
I have been taking care of my sister for 6 years. I don't have power of attorney. Her daughter refuses to do anything. She still pays bills on a house she hasn't lived in for 7 years. I am eighty yrs. old and for the last couple of years it had been very hard for me. I had to lift her on commode. She is getting altimerzers disease. About 4 months ago she fell out of bed and broke her leg or it was a place between the top of her leg and hip joint. She was taken to the hospital where she was kept several days and then to a nursing home. She just has social security check it has medicare policy that is over $500.00 taken out monthly,the rest is used to pay utilities taxes and home owners policy on her house. The nursing home wants their money but there is no way she could pay on s.s. They sent a large packet Sat. with a bunch of papers to sign. I don't fill comfortable signing these thing since I am not her power of attorney or responsible party as they said in the papers they sent, which they acted like could be responsible for her bills. She has over two thousand in bank because I have let her taxes go a couple of months. If she still has the house, there won't be anyone to pay the things that need paid. Is there anyone who can help to get her on Medicaid, she is eligible under long term care.

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My question is, why is $500 being taken out of her Social Security for Medicare? I pay $165, my husband $175. How much SS does she get a month? Must be alot. But then u say she qualifies for Medicaid.

The Nursing home can help with the Medicaid application. Yes her SS and any pension will go towards her care. Her house will need to be sold if no one can keep it up. It will be an exempt asset for Medicaid. If sold, has to be at Market Value.

Do not sign anything. You may want to consider allowing the State to take over her care. Since she has no money, your Financial POA does mean much.
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Does the facility she is currently in accept Medicaid? I would ask this question first.

If the daughter is also not the PoA then she isn't doing anything because she can't, just like you.

I would request the help of a social worker. If your sister is physically immobile but not cognitively impaired, then she still gets to make her own decisions. Has she ever had a cognitive test? This can be discussed with a case manager if she can get one.

DO NOT sign any paperwork on her behalf. It is possible the the NH will eventually take the reins and figure out she needs a legal guardian and Medicaid.
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Interesting Medicaid wasn't applied for while she was in the hospital.

Heck LTC Medicaid was applied (and approved) the same day on a Saturday even, before I left the hospital.
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Self reporting so the admins can eliminate the private information.
Bernie, never put private info online in this manner. It's very dangerous and could lead to people saying they can do something for you in return for money, and being SCAMMED.

As to your Sister being in the nursing home, that isn't your problem as she is in need of this care as you admit. And you are not her POA. Tell her children that they can apply for medicaid, but do know that Medicaid will NOT leave funds in your sister's accounts for her home, insurane or anything else.

I think that it may be time for you yourself to find your own safe living quarters. This home may now be sold. Reach out to your doctors and ask for Social worker consult to guide you in your own future choices. Be certain that YOU also have a POA to act for you when needed.
I am so sorry. This is the way of aging in our country.
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The daughter has to sign and get your private email removed .
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Do NOT sign anything, it is her and her daughters problem. If you sign you will be financially responsible.

Send the papers to her daughter and bow out of this entire situation.

Sending support your way.

I would also remove your email address from this public site.
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