
Is the placement of central line a painful procedure, especially if it is placed in the groin? Can it be traumatizing? Do You have any personal experiences with that?

Alicja, please accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your dad. I hope you saw AlvaDeer’s two responses to your post— she is a retired registered nurse with many years of experience.

I totally understand being traumatized by the circumstances of a frail parent’s last days. It is so hard. You might find it helpful to attend a grief support group in your area. I hope you are comforted by happy memories of your beloved father and of the love you shared.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to SnoopyLove

So sorry for the loss of your loved one. I am glad to hear Alva Deer say that the central line was a good thing for giving antibiotics.
I understand your sorrow. I hope that as time passes you will have happy memories of your loved one.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JanPeck123

As some major test or procedure is planned here, I am quite sad that no one has spoken to you and explained this, or that you have not asked medical team?

It is minimally painful. As Pixie says below, think BIG IV in rather sensitive spot. Usually a local numbing agent used.
Why is this being done in an elderly person.
First of all it is a needle stick. Once the catheter is in, then it is strung up through the veins without pain.

This is only done for certain procedures.
Can you tell us what procedure is being done on this very elderly person?
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Reply to AlvaDeer
AlicjaKarolina1 Jan 19, 2025
It was placed when my father was admitted to hospital due to pneumonia. His veins were weak so the doctor decided to place central line. It was my mum who gave permission (I wasn't there). When I visited dad I just saw the line and it haunts me till today although my dad died. I am writing from Poland and here no doctor explains anything to the family members. I wasn't given a choice by the doctors and no one explained me anything. I regret that the doctors didn't let my father die in hospital providing him with comfort measures only. But I know this now after educating myself extensively. Now I have flashbacks in regard to this procedure- I imagine he was in great pain when they were placing the line and whenever I think about it I cannot stop crying. That's why I decided to ask if the placement hurts. It was done under local anaesthesia but I imagine that groin is quite sensitive area. After they discharged dad from hospital I asked them to remove the central line.
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May I ask why they are doing this?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Bulldog54321
JanPeck123 Jan 18, 2025
Bulldog, I am also wondering why this would be done in a person with advanced dementia.
Maybe the PO and family don't realize that people don't die from dementia itself. They die from complications from dementia.
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I had it done. It does not hurt but th person need to have a pressure dressing for a few hours being flat
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MACinCT
AlicjaKarolina1 Jan 19, 2025
Thank You for your reply.
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former ICU nurse here: it’s not a terribly painful procedure—like a big IV start. The groin has a higher risk of infection than the upper neck/chest area.
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Reply to TiredPixie
AlicjaKarolina1 Jan 19, 2025
Thank You for Your reply. It was very hard for me to watch this central line placed and I imagined that placing it was a torture. Actually until this day it gives me flashbacks.
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