
If I place my mom in a nursing home and Medicaid kicks in (she makes $3,700 in SS and VA a month I know she is over) and they get all her funds except 70 or 90 a month. My question is; If she hates it and I bring her back home in 3 months will her funds from SS and VA kick back in to her acct for her to use again?

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Well calif is 35.00 to 50.00 a month personal needs yepeeeee. And you absolutely get all of her funds back if she goes home. They can only charge for her being there period. If she goes home and has VA you might be able to get aide and attendance to care for her.
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Her VA benefit will drop if its Aid and Attendance. You cannot have A&A and medicaid. I would say once dropped, you would have to reapply. If the VA means a pension received because of 20 yrs service then that will not drop. You can keep control of the SS and reg pension and just send a check every month to the NH for Moms share of her care. Once you have made the decision to have her remain there, then you can allow the NH to be payee of Moms SS and pension. They have their own acct those monies will be deposited to. They will not be making automatic withdraws from Moms banking acct.

So if that 3700 includes A&A, take that amount off then Mom may qualify for Medicaid.
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Does mom NEED a Skilled Nursing facility?
If to remain safe, to get the proper care, medical attention she needs Skilled Nursing then why would you bring her home? Of course she is going to hate it. No one loves being in a facility.
You make the decision to place a loved one in a facility if you can no longer safely manage their care at home.
With her funds would getting the supplies and or equipment that you need to care for her, hiring a caregiver would that allow her to remain home?

To get the real answer to this you should talk to someone at the VA that can answer this and talk to someone that can answer the Medicaid question.
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