
I believe that my husband and I experienced unnecessary stress because of a partnership between the nursing home he went to for rehab and a business called Medicaid Done Right (MDR). The details can be found under my profile, so I won't rehash them here. I firmly believe that if this partnership had not existed, things would have gone a lot smoother. The thing about these types of partnerships is that they are forged to help the business entities involved; the patients' interests are secondary. And although I have not experienced this personally, I am not a fan of nursing homes partnering with hospices. I believe, from posts from around the internet, that people are led to believe that they have no choice but to use the hospice that the nursing home is partnered with, and that is not true. I think protections need to be implemented so that patients and their families are told that healthcare business #1 has entered into a business agreement with healthcare business #2 because it mutually benefits THEM and that you, the patient or patient's representative, are under no obligation to use the services of the partnered business.
P.S. - Since I've named MDR but not the nursing home involved in my story, I feel obligated to state that the nursing home is the entity that really did my husband and I wrong, in particular the business office manager. He couldn't have done what he did without the MDR partnership but I do not believe that they were involved in any of his shenanigans.

For those asking what MedicareDoneRight is, it's an LLC COMPANY that gets paid to do medicare applications. It is forming lucrative "partnerships" with LTC facilities in some states and people are often ill-informed about costs.
You can find the company at
Then we have a
MEDICAID Done Right: from the internet:
"Medicaid Done Right (MDR) has reached a settlement agreement with the Attorney General after alleging that the company misrepresented itself as authorized by or affiliated with the government to assist with TennCare/Medicaid applications123. The company offers medicaid consultation and filing services4."

We have had now about three complaints about this company on AC over the last year or so. People will come to visit an elder and the elder will pull out this "charge" for about 3,000. And deny knowing much of anything about it. When people check for them it is a charge to this company to do medicaid applications. As we know, lots of folks don't know how/aren't capable, or making such applications, so I am not certain what choice there IS but to hire someone to do it, and I myself would PAY to do this stuff rather than attempt it; but there seems to be not full disclosure from what I am seeing in some of these cases.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Stark Law. Its Federal and has to do with any physician directed referral to any entity that they or anyone in their family or their employ have any financial relationship with that does any Medicare billing. It’s filed on the federal level through CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and OIG Office of the Inspector General.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to igloo572

There is nothing under your profile.

So Medicaid Done Right... is this only in certain states? Is it a service that helps people apply for Medicaid?

Can you describe what the "shenanigans" were that happened (and you said it was mostly the NH business office manage so not sure why you're here insinuating that Medicaid Done Right did something wrong?)

Can you please clarify your post? More details and specifics?

Also, I recommend it be moved to Discussions since you're seeking to start a conversation about consumer protection regarding NHs and entities like MDR.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
Wrenee5111 Nov 29, 2024
By under my profile, I meant under "answers" which lists all the comments I've left on others' questions. The question where I relayed our experience is titled "BOM at uncle's NH withdrew $ from account without permission and my uncle has decided to let it slide. Should I convince him to reconsider?" It took 3 separate posts because of the character limits allowed per reply, and even with that I tried to keep it as succinct as possible and left out some details and lingering questions that I have.
See 1 more reply
We have many times seen complaints about Medicaid Done Right being crammed down the throats of seniors in care.
You are not a first on this Forum to mention then and to have been sort of talked out of a few grand to them.
Some instances the elder in care had no idea and the POAs and friends were shocked to later learn of it.
Advice for you is on this site:
Go up to the blue timeline and move your cursor right to the "search bar" and type in "Medicaid Done Right" and you are going to see former posters, all about this, and WHAT THEY DID ABOUT IT to get the charges removed, more importantly.

Thanks for bringing this up AGAIN. We need to stay on our toes and keep outing this.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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