
Husband has Alzheimer’s and I am full time caretaker. Keeping him entertained is getting more and more difficult. He’s tired of me. Need to get him out of the house on his own to socialize.

Sounds like your husband would be a perfect candidate for an Adult Daycare Center. You can take your husband there 5 days a week and up to 8 hours per day. They will feed him breakfast, lunch and a snack and offer all kinds of fun activities to keep him busy while there.
Most also offer a spa day where they will shower him, shave him and even give him a haircut if needed.
They are wonderful. Of course there is a cost(but worth every penny)and if money is an issue they do offer financial help as does the VA if your husband is a veteran.
Most will also send a small bus to pick him up if you're not able to bring him yourself.
And most importantly it will give you the much needed breaks that you need and deserve, to get things done that you need to and want to.
So please call your local Adult Daycare Center today and get him signed up to go. You won't regret it.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Have you called your local council on aging? Sometimes they can give you guidance and pointers. Ask your doctor about any programs they are aware of that provide transit to centers for some day care. Check with local senior centers. Just ask EVERYONE you can find for guidance. Call a local care facility and say "Sorry to bother you but do you know of....................".

I think it is so important to do this, giving yourself a bit of respite, but I ALSO think that you may be coming to the time when you need to at least just begin to explore, consider, weigh how long you can go on doing one on one home care. If you can't afford someone coming in weekly to relieve you it is going to get too tough. At some point you may endanger your own life. If something happens to YOU, what then for him?

I sure wish you luck. This is such a universal problem with so very few solutions.
I hope you let us know if you find anything.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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