
Mother has passed and I am not certain of the steps necessary with Social Security in Kentucky. Any tips on navigating this. Thank you in advance!this site has been my go to for 3 years now, I can never express my gratitude for the help and guidance!

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This postbis from December. Hopefully OP has been able to make sure SS knows ofvthe death.
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Reply to JoAnn29

You can call SS to report the death, but normally the funeral establishment does this as well as supplying to you as many death certificates as you may wish to order through them. This reporting almost always goes to the credit reporting agencies so no one else can ever attempt to open credit in your mother's name, but if you report to one of them (TransUnion, Experian or forget the other one) they all report to one another after you report to them. So choosing one will work.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Sorry BioMom41 about your mother’s passing.
>>What about if a living spouse is the beneficiary of the deceased person's SS? I am interested in hearing anyone’s experience in updating SS with the beneficiary information to resume payments to that person. Thank you.
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Reply to WayLeadsOn2Way
Isthisrealyreal Feb 15, 2025
Wayleads, you must contact social security and they will tell you what you need to provide to be eligible to receive the highest social security payment. There is no such this as a social security beneficiary, except the like 250.00 death pmt. What happens is they look at the accounts involved and set it up so the surviving spouse gets the most amount of money. You never get both checks, only the highest amount you are eligible for.

I helped my mom and found them to be incredibly helpful. You get pay retroactive to the application, so do it right away.
If you see a Continuing. SS deposit, do not touch it . During correction, there could be a claw back. You also have an option of going to a SS office with any paperwork and an official death certificate to get confirmation
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Reply to MACinCT

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Reply to cover9339

SS will stop automatically.
They will not send further funds.
The funeral home notifies SS. You can certainly reassure yourself that they have done so by asking.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If Mom passed in December, she still is entitled to the check received 9in December becausebits Novembers money. Its like a job, you get paid after the work is done. She won't receive January's check beca use she passed in December. Sometimes SS claws back too soon. So call if that happens.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29
BioMom41 Dec 13, 2024
Thank you so much, knowledge is valuable!
Social Security will be notified.
There is nothing you have to do. Depending on when her last check was deposited and when she died be prepared to have that last check taken back.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

The funeral home will notify SS directly, if you want to be extra sure, there is a form that you can fill out and send to SS.

Nothing difficult about it.

Sorry about your mother's passing.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to MeDolly

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