
So my dad (82, cancer) and I (49m) started watching a series that ended in 2022 but is on Tuesday nights on Ovation network. We've seen all the episodes many times.
Thinking I was smart, two months ago I bought 5 seasons on streaming so we could watch those.
Now every night we have to watch 4 hours of this show despite us seeing it dozens and dozens of times. He talks about "(show) time” and makes jokes about the characters.
I have told me I'm going to go insane if I have to watch any more of this but then he acts kind of hurt so I feel like an ass and turn it back on.
The worst part is he has seen all these before but he can't follow them, he can't understand the dialogue and even though I've told him he's seen these before he doesn't know.
My whole life he's always had trouble following things because he worries all the time and ruminates. But over the last 2 years he just forgets everything and it is maddening having to go through this every night I realize he's sick, I realize this pleases him, I realize I could try to do other things while he watches. But I already feel trapped by having to do everything, by having all the responsibility but zero money and authority to do anything, I clean him, make his dinner, manage his meds, I do everything. I'm exhausted from this.
Last week he thought I hadn't fed the livestock, so he went outside. I saw him and tapped on the window, he turned and fell and banged his head. I was blamed for this because I startled him. Yet we had 6 inches of snow and ice. He would've fallen farther away from the house.
This is a nightmare and I know it's only going to get worse. And clearly as good as I've performed I cannot do this to the end.
I know watching this show soothes him. For some reason I get triggered when he mentions it and looks forward to it.
Anyone go through anything similar?

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Please consider professional help and counseling. You can try to access low cost or free counseling by speaking with your doctor, your local council on aging, Faith based communities in your area, APS, and even call the 988 hotline.
You can walk into any church and ask to speak with priest of pastor.

A Forum of strangers can't really know the complexities, or help with them. We CAN sympathize and wish luck, and that's about it. You are giving us more and more info and you are dealing with a LOT.

You tell us over and over you have no one, but people will not magically appear on the porch. Volunteer; join Habitat for Humanity, do what you can even if it's serving coffee. If you are at all a believer (and in all honesty, as a non-believer myself I can suggest this) join a Faith-based community.

A lot of your help is going to have to come from you, yourself.
As an 82 year old I assure you that much of the joy of life has to be pulled out, kicking and screaming, from what is for the most part a struggle to survive and thrive.
Best out to you, Norm.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
Norm75 Jan 13, 2025
I'm not expecting magic. I have fought for 30 years. It's not as easy as you think.

I have a partially disabled back. I can't do anything. When I'm gone too long dad starts panicking.

I have tried to help myself my entire adult life. The reason I didn't kill mysled 25 years ago is because of my efforts. I'm tired.

This place is a place to ask questions but also vent. I am venting now. No one has worked harder than I have. I don't expect anything magic. But after 30 years of hope/fight, hope/fight and get tragedy and misery in return, I'm tired.

It's not easy. Most people couldn't have lived my life.
See 1 more reply
I think this is less about the show and more about the fact that everything he does is aggravating to you. That is because you are burned out. The way you talk is similar to how I feel daily and your situation might be similar to mine. I live in a rural area with my dad and I am burned out and sometimes actually a lot of the times anything my dad does aggrivates me. Especially when I start to think about the life I had to gave up to care for him. Dad has been on hospice for more than 8 months for cancer and I am his only caregiver despite having 3 siblings they have families and careers that keep them from really being involved. It was decided since I was just in college with no family it was best I care for him. I feed him, manage his medicine, get him snacks, wash his clothes, manage his medical equipment and clean up after him all while managing the house. I also only get out if the house once a week and sometimes I have to go once a month until one of my siblings comes out and its usually so I can just get groceries. I wish I can help you with some useful advice on how to make things better but I'm still trying to figure things out myself. Just know the aggravation and anger towards the little things your dad does is not a reflection on who you are as a person. It's simply a side effect of your current situation and being burned out. If you can get help try to find someone to come in and give you a break.
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Reply to Calcifer94
Norm75 Jan 13, 2025
I have not had my own life for decades. I lost my job in 2011, then lost another job in 2013. That was the last time I worked. 10 years ago I broke my back and had surgery a year later. For 6 years I applied to 500 jobs while also applying for disability. The jobs I applied to had to be low physical effort jobs. I got nothing. I always lived at home. Then dad got sick. I have no friends, no relationships and no money. I was already treading water mentally when dad got sick and my family just seems to think I'm doing fine even though there has been an obvious decrease in my mental state. I see no way out if this, I am more than burned out and I don't know how to get out of this. What I worry most about is money. I have none and if I had it my anxiety would be relieved a little. But I'm in hell and I didn't want to say that, but I am. I am not a caregiver. I've done a good job these last 3 years but I've reached a.breaking point.
When my dad had dementia he definitely wanted to watch the same shows over and over, for hours, with subtitles on even though they were in English. You can make some excuse (as others have suggested) about why this show is no longer available. My guess is he’s just going to obsess on another show.

Your real problem is being his full time caregiver and he’s going to get worse. My advice is plan accordingly. Figure out how to move or at least get relief.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Suzy23

Do you get Social Security Disability? If not, then apply for it. Your Social Service Office can help. Maybe you can get Supplimental Income (SSI) till ur OKd for SSD. You may be able to have both. If your turned down for SSD, then you get a SS lawyer. They work free, they get paid from the retro money you will receive. Usually when a lawyer gets involved, you get it.

I think your Dad now has Dementia. Especially if he has had chemo. Its called "chemo fog". Take him to his doctor for a good check up.

Put his show on and tell him you need to lie down for a bit. Tell him you need a break. If he is suffering from Dementia, its ok to tell a little white lie.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
Norm75 Jan 12, 2025
I've tried 3 times to get disability. Rejected. The last time was November.

Dad took chemo pills, would not get the infusion, but yes it ruined his mind and body.

Because the show streams from the internet I have to be there because he doesn't understand technology. So I will just try and read or something
Complicating everything is I have had a clinical anxiety disorder for 30 years and a disabled back, which I hurt Tuesday shoveling out our long driveway. It just seems like things get worse and worse.

I was awake for 20 minutes with dad today before he mentioned his show again and it just drives me crazy.

I just want all this to stop. I'm in mental pain, physical pain, I have zero money , and I am trapped.

I just want to be left alone. I've been going 24/7 like this for 3 years. I never realized how much dad lacks common sense, how he has no idea how technology works, how he is just like a little boy.

He's forgotten to pay some bills but won't let me touch them. This is why I wish I had my own money. I'd pay everything.

It seems selfish but here's the thing. I fear I'm going to go crazy and if I do that won't help anyone.

I just feel like I died in 2022 and woke up in hell.
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Reply to Norm75
AlvaDeer Jan 12, 2025
Dad needs a diagnosis and you need to have him placed. You cannot go on in this manner. You are truly desperate. Please seek help.

Contact APS firstly. Dad must be addressed and diagnosed. If that means putting him into the guardianship of the state, then you may need to do that. He is currently a senior at risk, and the only enemy is himself and his own failure. He may need to be placed in care.
If he's found competent (and you know he isn't for executive functions, anyway) they may leave him to it. And if you cannot then find some help for YOURSELF in exiting the situation, and leaving it to him (he has, I am sorry, had his life), while you save yourself--I fear for you.

988 is the national hotline for suicide. Call APS. If you cannot afford counseling they can help you access care. I am so sorry, but other than listening--we here are helpless to help you. I fear for your pain, and the overwhelm of your current situation.
The back now. Are there friend to address the snows. Church family? Anyone? While you lay flat. Most backs WILL heal in two weeks if you don't reinjure.
I'm just so sorry.
Go lay down and tell dad he's on for cooking today. Heck, tell him he's on for SNOW duty, to tell the truth!
See 2 more replies
I'm very sorry. That does sound rough. Could you tell him that the show is no longer streaming and is back to being on only once a week, so that he isn't deprived entirely but your time enduring it is limited?

Can you find another show that he likes that you can enjoy fresh with him? And repeat the process of "oh the show is not on anymore" when you get tired of it?

I realize this is the tip of the iceberg for you. You may need now to look into things like locks for your doors that he isn't able to operate, to keep him safe inside. Some people install security cameras inside their houses so they don't have to be in the same room all the time, or can go out to do errands if you're leaving him alone.

Besides the cancer, does he have a diagnosis of something cognitive, like dementia? If not, you should may need to get him assessed. That may open up more help for you. Or is he not able to follow the shows because he has hearing loss but won't admit it? Or isn't seeing clearly?

But in the meantime, do you need to get access to accounts, his power-of-attorney, anything like that?

Do you have a job or your own income? Some people give those up to care for their parents, which is admirable, but then they end up struggling financially when the parent passes away or needs to spend down their income and assets on medical care.

It sounds like you live on a farm? Is the succession/inheritance clear? Is there a risk of losing it to the costs of care?

I'm not trying to pry, or scare you. Just hoping you have things lined up for your own protection and future since you're doing so much for your dad. If these are issues or potential issues, you might want to meet with an eldercare attorney to make sure everything is covered and in place for you and your dad.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MG8522

Norm, your question is about yourself -’what can I do to not lose my mind’. Perhaps think more about yourself. You “feel trapped by having to do everything, by having all the responsibility but zero money and authority to do anything”. Why is this so? If it is your father who has ‘trapped’ you, even though you “clean him, make his dinner, manage his meds” etc, you can change this situation by stopping ‘propping him up’ to feel like he is in charge. You NEED some money and some authority to run your own life.

Can you tell us more about the situation, not just this show which is more a 'last straw' rather than the real problem?
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

I’m sorry you are going through this. I loathe Everybody Loves Raymond from a similar experience though I didn’t live with my senior. Was there too often for comfort.

You could try putting a timer on the tv to turn it off at “bedtime”.

Oops, we lost the channel. Oh look, it’s bedtime. Hopefully it will come back on tomorrow.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to 97yroldmom
cover9339 Jan 11, 2025
Speaking of ELR hard to believe it will be 20 yrs this year since it ended.

"The Sculpture" episode was hilarious LOL
It is simple enough to break a CD and tell him it isn't now for sale anymore.

As to the wandering, please read about the senior dead in our city of SF after wandering out to the great highway in pajamas and robe. It's in Discussions today.

Only you can decide how long this can go on. Your story here isn't unusual and if you stay on the Forum any amount of time you will see that. I am so very sorry. This is tough stuff. This isn't something HE can control and nor can you.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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