
As caregivers/helpers, we’re already dealing with un-ending stress. Add to that people we bump into who get on our nerves:

What kind of people get on your nerves?

It can help to let it out. For me, it’s rude people. And people who do things behind your back.

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People who lie to you, and do things against you behind your back.
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People who insist on asking you about things, which you’re obviously unwilling and uncomfortable to talk about.
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Rude insensitive people who talk too much, on and on they go.
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Hey! Here I am!🙂
Hope you all had a nice Xmas! I did!

People who get on my nerves…Yup, they’re out there. I’ll add to my list: negative people, constant complainers and criticizers.
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I've been away myself. Not heard from Venting, Venting's user is Ventingisback, so I assume we will see their return at some point, I hope so anyway.

I thought during my absence we would have seen the people that get on your nerves to reach 99% by now :) Where are you venting?
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Anybody that starts their sentence with "You should.."
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Justwow123 Dec 2023
Exactly Beatty!
Has anyone heard from Venting? She used to post on this thread a lot.
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People who are "being helpful" especially if they are not the family. Neighbors who are do gooders that are acting as flying monkeys and creating a heck of a lot more problems for the family.
We have never asked for anyone to lie, but we have asked them to direct mil back to her son.
It's kind of like stay in your lane, know your place.
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People who come whining and expecting sympathy, people who are abused a lifetime and continue to play into it, people who refuse to be honest with abusers. OMG. I could go ON......................
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NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2023

I don’t place blame on victims but when a person refuses to get therapy it’s a problem. People have to have a desire to help themselves out of bad situations.

Hahaha, I have a sign hanging in my kitchen that says, ‘No Whining!’ I hung it up specifically for certain people to read! LOL 😆
At times, my siblings, staff who take sides, and outsiders who think they know best.
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Pretty much all of them
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To be bluntly honest, sometimes the people who most get on my nerves are the "whiners".
(Yes, I can be a "mean girl". )
And I am not here speaking about this particular question, because this question INVITES our whining and I myself AM whining (about whining).
But I'm speaking "in general".

I know that people need to blow steam out a vent when they are overwhelmed occasionally with the vagaries of life, and the expectations of others.
I'm not speaking here of people who have been hurt and are having a difficult time understanding and moving on.
We all get smacked up the side of the face by life, and we all need to say it smarts. We all need someone to say they are sorry it hurts.

I AM speaking of people who make it their life's profession to ACCEPT abuse, and as some small recompence seem determined to whine constantly, and who expect others to give sympathy.
I AM speaking of people who martyr themselves to abusers long-term, and expect others to think that makes them a "good" person.

On a personal level I understand how difficult and costly it can be to get good help. But often, even with good help, a person will refuse to give up habitual ways of reacting, will refuse to move forward. As soon as counseling gets "uncomfortable" (and good counseling always WILL get uncomfortable), they walk away, feeling (as always) misunderstood.

I fully understand I may seem to be without sympathy, and I do own that I have been very lucky in my life, starting with great parents and a strong foundation. I cannot even imagine a life without it (and there's perhaps my problem).

But I HAVE seen hard times (the usual: heartbreaking marriage breakup, bad choices, cancer, losses of loved ones, this and that). And three times in my life I have had to seek help, have had --at times--to face MY OWN PART in it, have had to learn, have had to break bad habits and move forward.

So sometimes the whiners just make me want to shake them up as hard as a few psychologists shook me. (If your psychologist doesn't shake you up you are paying for nothing at all).

I'm willing to accept I may not be the nicest person in the world, and here I may have given proof to that. But that foundation I spoke of has made me more or less immune to the opinions of others, hee hee. So, yeah. On some days it's the "whiners" who get on my nerves. Just a bit.
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People who are really BAD. Many of them are in my family. Can’t believe I was born into this “family”.
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People that speak for you as if you don’t exist or matter !!!
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Bullies, especially those who are in a position of “power”, and who know it’s very likely they’ll get away with whatever bad things they’re doing.
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My mom was very uplifting and inspiring. Whenever I would get sad, mad, stressed out? All I needed was a mom fix. I miss that so much among other things.

She's the only person I've ever known where we could just sit and not even talk and it was just fine. No pressure ever to talk or be anything but who we were.

Love you Mom!
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
And special grandparents too!
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We can hope it would Need.
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
Hey, venting…

Start a post on people who are uplifting and inspire us! Do you think that it would get as much attention as this post? 😆
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Anabanana Aug 2023
I’ll write chapters on that one too.
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People who intentionally withhold empathy. They want to see you squirm. They know you’re expecting empathy.
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Anabanana Aug 2023
You think they withhold it? I think empathy is in terribly short supply. And too many people are gloating over its near-extinction, being cruel and stepping on others to get their way.
Bad people.
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People who dump their problems on you. (I bet no one on this forum has EVER experienced that 😉).
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People who are only listening to themselves during a conversation. They can waste minutes of my time and won't accept any feedback when they want your answer to a question. These types of conversations are pointless! Why ask for my opinion if you are going to tell me that its wrong.
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
Exactly! They are only looking for people who will agree with them. Constructive criticism falls on deaf ears.
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People who waste your time.
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Wolves in sheeps' clothing.
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ventingisback Aug 2023
And sheep in my clothing. And wolves that walk around in my socks.

And there’s this one wolf who’s always borrowing my skirt.
People who intentionally give you bad advice.
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
My husband’s grandmother would always leave out ingredients in a recipe so I would never be able to make the dish as good as hers! LOL 😆

One time I cooked my husband’s grandmother’s recipe twice. I followed her recipe exactly!

I asked my MIL why my dish wasn’t turning out right. The first thing she said was, “Oh my gosh, you didn’t ask my mom for a recipe, did you? She will purposefully leave out ingredients so it won’t be as good as hers.”
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People who use anger to try to get you to do what they want.
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Scampie1 Aug 2023
I've had a situation like that last month. It was a case I was working on. This was the second worst home health situation I had been in. There is nothing more unnerving than watching an adult have a serious temper tantrum.
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people who abuse power
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People who intentionally try to hold you back, because they themselves failed.
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
Or because they are selfish and control freaks.
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Every kind. Most of all entitled ingrates who think the world owes them.
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People who scam the government and hard-working taxpayers. I'm an honest person so it bothers me to see this and how unashamed they are.
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ventingisback Aug 2023
Millionaires and billionaires do this the most and get away with it all the time. They have the best lawyers.
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