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Usually, d, if you are getting answers, your question will be sort of at the top of the list. If you scroll down several pages to page 2, 3, 4, etc. you should find yourself.
There are other ways a bit more complicated. You can go to the top and type in your name in the search bar. That will show recent questions. You can go to your avatar on the far right of the top timeline and hover over it; below options will appear. The top one is profile. Press on this and that will take you to your information. One of the top lines contains, in blue, "following". Pressing on that will bring your question up and you can press on THAT. Sounds complicated. Isn't after you do it a few times. You can also choose "activity" and it will show all your recent questions and responses.

The site takes a while to get used to. But you soon will. Good luck.
You are new to the site so I welcome you, and in doing those things I just described to you, I can see that this is your ONE and ONLY question to us. So ask away. We will answer.
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