
We have long term insurance for when we are unable to do our personal care.

I agree with others that you need to now figure out what your policy will cover. Maybe consider a Geriatric Care Manager to help you navigate this, since insurance can be complicated.

Do you have anyone assigned as your Power of Attorneys? If not, it is critical that you do this otherwise you are destined to become a ward of the county with a court-assigned 3rd party legal guardian making all your decisions for you.
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Reply to Geaton777

Call your Long Term Care Policyholder service dept and see what's covered by THEM! You've paid a lot of $$$$$$ into that policy which now should be paying for your care!

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

Check with your LTC policy which should cover or help to cover your ALF.
You may want to check facilities themselves, which can assist you once you explain to them your assets, your insurance and etc.
I am not certain of what you policy is nor of what it covers.

As far as assistance, if you mean governmental assistance, then you are speaking of Medicaid.
You should speak directly with a Medicaid advisor in your own state regarding:
1. Qualifying physically or mentally for aid and assistance
2. Qualifying financially for her.
3. Do this only after speaking with advisor at your insurance co. regarding the benefits of your LTC policy, so that you can speak knowledgably with the Medicaid people about this.

In general, unless you are indigent, without fund, and with no LTC you cannot qualify for Medicaid.

Do you have a paid for home as an asset? Because sale of said home may supply you the years of self-pay at an ALF until you qualify for and need MC which LTC policies will cover.

Best of luck to you.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Most states do not have funding for assisted living . Some states Medicaid will help pay .

Usually people sell their home to pay for an assisted living facility

Sounds as if your long term insurance is for skilled nursing facility .

How about calling your County Area Agency of Aging or something similar to see if they can assist you to find help .
Look on your county website under Dept of Aging , or Senior services or some similar category .

Perhaps if you gave more information here as well , others will have more ideas . Also my answer was assuming you are in the US .
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Reply to waytomisery

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