Senior Hygiene

Resources and support for caregivers assisting seniors with hygiene issues. Caregiver advice on maintaining hygiene practices in the elderly to maintain health, cleanliness, and prevent infection and disease.

Hygiene Articles

  • Hand-Washing Best Practices for Seniors and Family Caregivers

    Frequent hand-washing prevents the spread of viruses and bacteria and is a fundamental part of infection control. Learn the best hand-washing techniques and discover which products for good hand hygiene can help keep you and your family healthy.

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  • Incontinence Care Tips: How to Eliminate Stains and Odors

    Caring for an elderly loved one often involves cleaning up incontinence accidents. We’ve compiled caregivers’ best tips and advice for getting rid of urine stains.

  • How to Persuade a Senior to Put on Clean Clothes

    The ability to dress and maintain hygiene are important activities of daily living (ADL) seniors lose the ability to accomplish. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ hands-on tips and suggestions for convincing a senior to put on clean clothes.

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  • 6 Caregiver Tips for Convincing a Senior to Bathe

    A senior's refusal to bathe is a common source of frustration for countless caregivers. Experienced family caregivers share their best tips and suggestions for persuading an aging loved one to take a shower or bath.

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