Incontinence in the Elderly
Incontinence is the involuntary excretion of urine or feces. While incontinence can happen to anyone, it’s far more common in older adults. The Mayo Clinic Health System reports that up to 75% of women over age 65 report urine leakage. Additionally, 60-70% of people with Alzheimer's eventually become incontinent. Although a multitude of older adults deal with incontinence issues, it is not a normal part of the aging process.
What Causes Incontinence?
Problems in the urinary system can be caused by aging, illness, or injury. The muscles in and around the bladder and urethra tend to become weaker with age. Weak muscles of the sphincters and pelvis can lead to urinary incontinence because the sphincter muscles cannot remain tight enough to hold urine in the bladder, or the bladder does not have enough support from the pelvic muscles to stay in its proper position. Weak bladder muscles may also result in not being able to empty the bladder completely.
Additionally, incontinence may be caused by medication interactions, vaginal or urinary tract infections, prostate problems and progressive diseases that lead to cognitive and physical decline. Functional incontinence is a type that occurs because of difficulties with toileting due to confusion or physical limitations in getting to the bathroom in time.
Caring for Someone with Incontinence
Unfortunately, many individuals who suffer with leakage or incontinence issues are resistant to seeking treatment due to shame or embarrassment. However, attempts to hide the problem from caregivers and medical providers may present a missed opportunity in treating or managing incontinence issues. Acute incontinence, caused by issues like urinary tract infections, diabetes, and medication interactions, is often treatable and even reversible by addressing underlying conditions and bladder control training.
Unfortunately, later stages of progressive conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, often lead to chronic incontinence which comes with its own physical and social consequences. Individuals experiencing chronic incontinence have higher rates of pressure ulcers, skin infections, and urinary tract infections as well as increased levels of embarrassment and depression. Fortunately, resources are available to cope with the impact of incontinence on quality of life for both older adults and their caregivers.
Browse AgingCare's collection of incontinence articles and Caregiver Q&A for expert advice and tips from a community of caregivers who truly understand the challenges of caring for a loved one with incontinence.
Incontinence Articles
Incontinence and Bladder Control in the Elderly
Incontinence, the loss of bladder control, is extremely common among elderly people. Explore issues that cause incontinence and how it can be treated and controlled.
23 CommentsThe 4 Kinds of Urinary Incontinence
Caring for an elderly parent with incontinence can be challenging. Start by understanding the four main kinds of incontinence: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow and functional incontinence.
5 CommentsHow to Convince a Senior to Wear Adult Diapers
Can’t get Mom to wear adult diapers? Addressing incontinence issues requires patience, understanding and a commitment to upholding a senior’s dignity. A caregiving expert shares her best tips for handling this delicate topic.
46 CommentsElderly Incontinence Treatment Options
Under a doctor's care, incontinence can be treated and often cured. Today there are more treatments for urinary incontinence than ever before.
7 CommentsHow to Choose the Best Adult Diapers
There are countless incontinence care products on the market for seniors who are living with urine leakage and/or bowel leakage. Use these tips to find a product that fits well, contains leaks, promotes skin integrity and improves quality of life.
28 CommentsDementia and Incontinence: 10 Tips for Caregivers
Occasional incontinence events or “accidents” commonly progress into chronic incontinence issues during the middle to late stages of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
1 CommentCaring for a Loved One With Fecal Incontinence
Millions of adults have bowel control problems, but most are reluctant to talk about this condition and seek help. Get the information you need to start the discussion, explore treatment options and help your loved one improve their quality of life.
Incontinence Questions
How much longer can I do this?
9 AnswersJoAnn29 Answered 11 hours agoI am completely unable to clean my 92 year old mom from incontinence. And I feel horrible about it and i am afraid to be alone with her.
10 Answersmikeindc Answered 14 hours agoShall I cancel my husband's 90th birthday trip to Hawaii if he stresses out, leading to incontinence and lately is needing a cane?
16 AnswersMG8522 Replied Mar 26, 2025My dad lives with me and has moderate dementia. I am noticing that he is hiding his soiled underwear in his room causing odor.
15 AnswersTaarna Answered Mar 24, 2025
Incontinence Discussions
I have a lot of women's pure wicks that I paid $$ money for. My MIL has recently passed away. Please reach out if interested.
7 CommentsGeaton777 Commented Mar 20, 2025BOS or Bowel Obsession Syndrome
9 CommentsMargaretMcKen Commented Nov 4, 2024My mom pees through two pull up diapers and an insert.
4 Commentsfunkygrandma59 Commented Aug 25, 2024Who is the "customer" here?
16 Commentslealonnie1 Commented Feb 2024