
I just wanted to wish those members who celebrate it a Very Merry Christmas. I hope it is a fun and enjoyable day for you!!

Find Care & Housing
Thanks so much everyone!!


It seems like it was not too bad for some of you:} Now that it is over, time to loo forward to hopefully what will be a wonderful and prosperous New Year for you all.

Happy New Year!! Hope 2025 is what you all hope it will be :}

Thank you. I am new here and I struggled. My 84 yo mom has bronchitis, my son is in the navy (thankfully he was home the week prior to Christmas but we didn’t see him as much as I had expected during his visit) and my brother who used to live right around the corner from my parents moved to iowa so he could afford to help his son with college. So this Christmas was just me and my husband . We visited my dad in the nursing home and nobody could wake him all day (we arrived at noon). After a couple hours of “visiting” and trying to wake him, we decided to give up, I gave him a huge long hug and that’s what woke him! He didn’t want to eat more than tthe dessert that came with the lunch that made him grimace (after no breakfast because he couldn’t be woken up) . I had my husband tell him I will be OK whenever he chooses to go. He dozed off after about 30 min and that was that. We were there for almost 3 hours. I was sad and drained the rest of the day and had a difficult time falling asleep due to the experience. My dad is 90 (91 in March if he makes it) and after his last stroke a month ago that forced my mom to finally put him in a nursing home, he cannot do anything himself including talk (altho they said he said Merry Christmas on Xmas Eve and there are the very occasional words he somehow out otherwise it’s is gobbledy gook. So difficult to witness this deterioration esp around the holidays . First Christmas ever in my life without a family gathering. But grateful my dad woke up and he got to see that we were there on this special holiday. I hope he remembers . 💕

Merry Christmas Cover! (and everyone else)

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. I'm so grateful for all the support and understanding. (((hugs)))

Merry Christmas to you too Cover. My Day will be quiet. We celebrated yesterday.

I wish you a very Mery Christmas and am Happy New Year, well not what I would call much fun but glad we have each other

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