
My mom's incontinence is much worse and we're looking for reliable, reusable waterproof pads for her recliner, kitchen chair, car seat, and twin bed. Having a hard time finding a brand that has good reviews for reusability. Anybody have one they've used that they would recommend? Thanks!

We have bed sized pads that are cardinal health brand that have lasted us over a year now… I highly recommend giving them a try
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Reply to Mshoester

I haven’t seen the company HDIS mentioned here before. They are in St Louis, Missouri. They specialize in supplies for incontinence. They are great to work with. I’ve found the best thing to increase absorption, reducing leakage, is booster pads added to the disposable garment.
They have all kinds of things.
Best of luck.
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Reply to TerriSL

We like these from Amazon. Many size options and machine washable. We put about a 1/3 cup white vinegar in wash water to help clean and keep them order free. hope this link works properly. If not feel free to hit me up on Facebook at Tonya
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to TonyaBlair

If you want to have re-usable pads, I use waterproof mattress covers that are padded and absorbent. I cut the twin size down to make 2 pads and the king size down to make 4 pads. These can be cleaned in the washer after any solid waste has been rinsed out into the toilet. If you need disposable pads, I recommend using unscented dog pads - they cost less than ones advertised for people.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Taarna

Just a thought because posters here have mentioned odor problems. I used Odoban in the wash when items smelled like urine and it removed odor very well. The skilled nursing facility that my Mom had a stay in used it in their laundry.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Pjdela
Isthisrealyreal Feb 3, 2025
Pj, you are so right. It is even used in hospital operating rooms for sanitizer.

I always forget it because I can not stand the smell but, they have new fragances now.
My wife has been bed bound for a year, I started using pads before she couldn't make it to the bathroom on her own, under a fitted sheet. When we got a hospital bed, put it our great room along with the commode, as she can only take a couple of steps with my assistance, I started using the washable pads along with a couple of throwaways on top of the fitted sheet, which works well. I see there are many brands on the market, but washing almost every day in cold water & machine drying with satisfaction, I use KANECH, & CONKOTE . I hope this will help, RP
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Reply to NancyAnne

Put a diaper on her. They have the pull up kind. I have permanent and washable cloth large bed pads I got on Amazon that I've been using for 2 years and they are a life saver.
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Reply to Evonne1954

BED - The best pad I have ever tried is a Fusion Pad. Be sure to watch the videos on the link from the manufacturer and I can vouch they work just as the video shows. Unless they are heavy from being soaked, I can't tell they are wet unless I see an outline (which always washes out) or I put my hand flat on the pad to feel it. You can google it to find where to purchase them. I also have some quilted pads and disposable ones to use as backups but I hate using them.

My sister gave me several after her husband died in 2020. She had gotten them used from a swap group she belonged to... so that means they were used by two patients before we got them and I've had them for over four years. I buy them to give to others as gifts when they start having issues.

I also recommend this product:

I use them under my fitted sheet so if we have a soaked bed in spite of the other protection. If it happens in the middle of the night I only have to remove my fitted sheet then tear off the top Peelaway layer and can settle back in bed sooner than changing the whole bed. One of our caregivers has an autistic son and immediately ordered some too and loves them.

FURNITURE - I use the pet waterproof (or resistant) sofa and chair covers as others have suggested but then I put a washable plaid pad on top of that so I am not washing the covers that often. I don't know where I ordered the plaid pad from but I have been meaning to track it down and get more. It has rubber backing to keep it from sliding and is waterproof.

CAR - here is the best product I have found:

I asked the company and they suggested the EliteSport+ Non-Slip Waterproof Seat Cover. I was concerned about it moving around because my husband always slides across the seat... I can vouch that the non-slip feature has worked great for us so far. I just got it before Christmas and there have been no accidents so far so I haven't had to wash it yet. I plan to get one for my seat next. It definitely is less that the price I paid for getting the car detailed after one of his accidents.

BRIEFS - I have used the Tranquility Overnights 24/7 for a few years and found them better than Depends. They also have booster pads that are nice and thin.
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Reply to KPWCSC

I just used the ones on Amazon, and I had to work with LAYERS. I found layers of 3 to be adequate
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Reply to Ad121049

Alwayshelp: Search on Amazon.
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Reply to Llamalover47

Oh, I have a LOT of experience with this! I'm glad you asked!

I like to buy online from Vitality Medical. Although you can find other medical suppliers.

Here are the products I would recommend:
CareFor Deluxe Washable Underpads
Becks Classic - get the Heavy Absorbency (there are different levels)
and Becks Classic Plaidbex

Get a large size -such as 30" x 36" for sofa, recliner, and bed.
Those tiny ones just don't give enough coverage. Save the smaller ones
for a kitchen chair and wheelchair.

Although washable pads have a water resistant backing, liquid will still eventually seep through. I double up. Use them one on top of the other.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of wet soiled bed pads and blankets to wash.
I do a couple loads of laundry every day. Perhaps you can find a convenient way of soaking them until laundry day. For me, that becomes more cumbersome, I would rather just wash every day.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ

This mattress protector is fabulous. It's been "tested" at least once, including a pretty gross fecal accident. The mattress is still clean and the protector washed up well.

I also recently purchased these pads. They haven't been "tested" yet but the size fits well on a couch.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to marygIndiana

I have some left over puppy training floor pads that I have been using. My mom wears Depends and I have one on her chair as well as between the mattress and mattress pad and also between the mattress pad and fitted sheet. They have worked well and are disposable.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Bothmomanddad

I have bought at least off Amazon and find then quite useful. I buy the longer variety because they seem to stay in place better than the disposable ones if the person tends to toss and turn a lot. I also bought the square ones that I use in his recliner and in the car and they also work quite well. The ones I use on the bed are washed daily and have lasted at least 9 months so far
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to karenj900

There are waterproof bed covers that go on the bed under the bottom sheet. I used that along with large extra absorbant chux (disposable bed pads) on top of the bottom sheet.
Not all chux are the same. Get 36 x 36 inches for best coverage. Extra absorbant is best.
I used 2 chux on DH recliner. I didn't worry about it looking like a chux on a chair. Relatives didn't care. They knew DH situation and did not judge. But you can get a nice large towel that matches the chair color to place over the cushion to hide the chux.
Same on car seat. Chux and towel.
Little Green spot cleaner for pets took out any accidents. Small & portable. Pooph spray took out any urine smell after cleaning.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JanPeck123
KPWCSC Feb 2, 2025
Love the suggestion of getting towels that match the furniture to cover random chux and chair pads.
I found disposable beats washable for less smell over time.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JanPeck123

I had incontinent clients and never liked the reusable ones. I could never get the urine smell out of them if they are left unwashed over the weekend.

The plain old disposable chucks are the way to go.
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Reply to Scampie1
CoolBaptist Feb 2, 2025
I have the same issue with Dad. I found that if I use baking soda in the wash along with laundry soap, it really cuts the smell down. I also put vinegar in the fabric softener department.
I just want to point out that no matter what brand you end up buying, never use bleach in your wash. They will become useless in no time.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Medline Ultrasorbs Advanced Extra Strength Drypads…rated for 350lbs, used in hospitals. They are disposable and more pricy (cheapest I found was on Amazon) but they work great! Double them up for extra protection and then throw away the top layer when wet…move the bottom layer to be your new top layer and reuse.

Also, prevention is so helpful…use a more absorbent diaper (not a pull-up), like Abena M4 (or the correct size you need will have a similar name)…see
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to momdaughter82

We found some washable, waterproof and reusable pads on Amazon.

i have washed them many times and they come out perfectly.

I believe the manufacturer is Pygrip.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Momsafety

If she has typical places she loves to sit I would get those chair cushions you can zip and unzip, put in liners and etc that you can remove.
One problem today is that washers have a sort of cycling that doesn't work well on waterproof materials; they don't come clean; many washing machines warn of not putting in waterproof liners and etc.

Someone recently said that those car floor liners that are for dogs work quite well. You could perhaps cut those into covers but they aren't absorbent.
Best method is good incontinence wear that isn't removeable.

I wish the best to you in your exploration, and when you find things that work do let us know here!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I buy GREEN LIFESTYLE Washable Underpads purchased on Amazon. I change for my husband several times a day and wash at least 2 loads a day. But I use Vinegar in the rinse cycle and it helps remove odor from the pads. It is a struggle and he has ruined on expensive lift chair.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to sueque50
TerriSL Feb 4, 2025
Use straight vinegar on the chair. Let it soak in fully. Then let dry. When the vinegar is dry, the odor should be gone.
I don’t recommend reusable ones. No matter how much you wash them, they will eventually need to be thrown away.
I recommend buying disposable chucks.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Koldobika

My mother was set up with cheap provided chux and expensive washables on top of pet protected covers.

Her apartment still smelled, her furniture still got ruined and her laundry usage tripled.

So I went and paid for pooph pet potty pads. Yes they are disposable, and expensive compared to getting "free" ones but one of them...lesser smell with no perfume, lesser damages and lesser hassles.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to MyNameIsTrouble

We used Riqinxin chair pads purchased on Amazon, but more as backup. They did wash well but the waterproof part didn’t really get tested. I liked that you could get them in a plaid pattern so they didn’t scream “incontinence pad”. I’m seeing pretty good reviews on a lot of brands. If you’re worried about them lasting, maybe air dry them versus using the dryer.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MidwestOT

Is she using depends? Even with Depends, you can take her to the bathroom every 2 hours. There are disposable pads called Chux. The blue are smaller the peach are bigger and I think have more padding.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29
MikeinTexas Feb 2, 2025
We have "disposable underwear" and the larger pads for bed. I still have to change the washable pads several times per week. Recently added waking her in the middle of the night to go to bathroom. Her brain does not wake her because of the dementia, so this may keep her from leaking at night. During day, the underwear is sufficient.
Think outside the box..
Search for waterproof furniture covers for dogs. they have them for chairs, couches, cars.
You can also search for bed pads for children. I got one that would fit a crib for the bed my Husband was in. The brand was CONNI I got it through Costco. One pad will hold about 80 fluid ounces.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Grandma1954

I've had good result with Brosive brand, available in several sizes, from Amazon.

36x52 works in bed for DH, probably a good size for recliner too.

Machine wash & dry! Ours have been washed dozens of times, are still leakproof and soft to touch.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to TUXcat70

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