
Today has been tough! It started last night when a nurse from my dad's facility called and said he wanted to go to the hospital because his stomach was hurting. He has done this before a few months ago. During that time the nurse said they tried to get him to take something for his stomach and he refused. The nurse also said if he went, they would probably send him right back because there was not anything wrong. So I convinced him to take the meds and he felt better. Last night they gave him some medicine but he kept saying he wanted to go to the hospital. So the nurse told me that she would call back if he did not feel any better after the meds and still wanted to go. I did not get a call back last night but a nurse called this morning and said he was still talking about going to the hospital. He did develop diarrhea and she said he vomited some, So the nurse consulted with the doctor and she recommended he go. Well then he changed his mind and even ate breakfast. So long story short, he called me twice while I was church and started talking about the hospital again. So I called the nurse and he changed his mind again. Now he says says he will wait until tomorrow. I know there has been a virus going around and I'm not trying to say he is not sick but he often does this especially when he knows I'm about to be off work for a holiday. I also know he is declining cognitively. I now have a migraine.

I know that the perfect family does not exist and that often what seems like a perfectly happy family is not the case. Having suffered years of emotional abuse and watching him mistreat my mother has had a very negative affect on me, even as an adult. Only after I began therapy a few years ago ( I still do off and on) did I realize the magnitude the abuse had on me. Fathers are supposed to pour in to their children with positivity. I know that there is nothing I can do about it but yes, I cry because of what I have become because of it. All I can do is try my best to move forward because we never know what lies ahead as far as life goes. You are right, I need to Cheer up but every time I'm feeling pretty cheerful, he comes up with another situation. For example, he called yesterday because he said he thought I was coming to visit. He was confused. Then he called again and started talking about he wants to come home and that his neighbor lives alone. I guess he thinks he can too but he can not. I told him he has everything he needs at the facility and he said he knows that but there is no place like home. I realize that but he can not come home. He is really good at trying to make me feel guilty. I know that this is common with aging parents.

You "cry because of the way I wish things were ...- a normal father/daughter relationship”. Please don’t kid yourself about ‘normal’. TV daddies weren’t the way most families work, and in fact some of the TV guys turned out to be serious abusers. Many many mothers of a generation ago did not have a life that we would want now, and some of the mothers who were waited on hand and foot have turned into the worst demanding selfish elders on the site. Many of the fathers who were often ‘nice – normal’ would still not go down to well with their wives or children now. You had what you had, you got born. That’s enough. Wishin’ and a-hopin’ and a-figurin’ and a-prayin’ won’t achieve a thing! Cheer up!

I have definitely been a better parent to my daughter. I'm learning to ignore the things he comes up with. I have finally learned that his behavior is not my fault.

FB, I decided to mourn the fact that I was shortchanged in the parents department. I mourned it while they were alive and decided to not ruin MY life over THEIR shortcomings. I vowed to be a better parent to my own children and to do what I could for my folks w/o doing any hands on caregiving. I took in a lot of ugly words from my mother, especially at the end of her life, which hurt, but chalked it off to HER shortcomings and not MY deficiencies as a daughter. There comes a time when you have to stop absorbing all this misery from dad and let it bounce OFF of you as if you were holding up a shield. I used to picture myself doing just that when I visited mom.....holding up a shield to protect myself from her toxic words. It's time to protect YOURSELF now and realize dad's misery has nothing to do with you, just as moms had nothing to do with me. It was her own lack of self worth that caused her to lash out. Dad was just shut down emotionally from 68 years of dealing with mom. Not my fault either.

IM received. The Buckingham Palace made me giggle as well! Thanks for that lealonnie1.

I agree. I have told him many times before that he is not the only resident at the facility and they can not cater to him only. I think I cry because of the way I wish things were. I wish my relationship with him was a normal father/daughter relationship. We get along better than we used to but when he was at home, he picked arguments with me often. It is also hurts me that I know he has some of his good friends thinking that I "put him away." He has made my daughter and I look like the bad guys. He does not look at me as a daughter but as a servant. Often times when I visit, he literally wants me to do things in his room like I work there. He complains constantly and is never satisfied. I think he creates situations for me to have attend to but I have learned to just tell him to tell the staff there or I call and tell them. It seems to upset him when they quickly take care of situations and then I do not have to. I think they know how he is and I really think they try to help him so does not try to hand everything to me.

This makes perfect sense. It has taken me years to realize how he is and now that I know, it is easier for me to offer myself some grace because I know that I did my best to care for him despite how he treated my mom and I. It is because of his treatment of me, that I think I need to fix everything and everyone.

FB, I’m coming to the conclusion that it isn’t all bad to have a father you thoroughly dislike, and who you know told self-centred lies – like me and mine. I’m not wishing that on you, but I think it might help you to think with some balanced criticism about your father’s behavior over a much longer period. You’ve realised that he likes attention (and perhaps always did). You know that he exaggerates his problems, and you can’t believe what he says. You know that “he likes to get me worried so that my focus will be on him”. You know that for some reason you were turned into a ‘fixer’. Don’t just assume that it came totally naturally!

Perhaps if you get a long term picture of an F who had all these traits, it will help you to cope with the situation now. You “hate that he can not do the things he used to do” – but perhaps he really is doing ‘the things he used to do’. If you find you have a broader picture of these traits, it will stop you worrying so much about not being able to ‘fix it’, and you can stop crying. I hope so.
Yours, Margaret

FB, dad liked the staff at the hospital better because they cared for him for a very short time, catering to his every need. The staff at the AL has other residents to deal with, and dad is not the center of attention as he'd like to be. Why are you crying? He's being cared for. He's not going to be happy ANYWHERE. You need to realize that! I used to say I could put my mother up st Buckingham palace and she'd find reason to complain. This is NOT something you can fix. It's old age, and the disease of chronic misery you're witnessing which is HIS choice. Don't forget that. My uncle George lived to 102 in AL with one arm. He never complaoined, never made his nephew miserable, nothing. He chose happiness and decent behavior on a daily basis. He was a delightful human being.

I have told the staff that I trust their decision on whether he needs the hospital. He likes attention. He is now out of the hospital and feeling better but now he is complaining about the staff at the facility and says he liked the staff at the hospital better and he wishes he were back at the hospital. I have learned not to say anything and just listen but I have got to do better because all I do lately is cry.

My therapist said the same thing. I'm a fixer and I have just come to terms with the fact that I can not fix everything.

I agree. I guess I'm just used to doing everything. But I'm learning.

I read this as your F faking medical symptoms to get him to the hospital – for excitement if nothing else – and that it is causing nothing but stress and unnecessary work both for you and for the facility. Not to mention wasting resources for the hospital. The staff are naturally concerned that ignoring his pleas for hospitalisation might get them into trouble, on the off chance that they turn out to be true.

I wonder if you could knock this on the head by coming to an agreement with the staff that you will accept their judgement about whether he really needs hospitalisation. And that you will accept the situation if F dies a little sooner in the unlikely case that instant symptoms aren’t faked. After all, if F had no family, the staff would have to make up their own minds, not always give in to patient whims. You might like to think about who else is involved who might need to be included in the agreement.

Clearly what is happening is silly.

I have also been working on my happy place. I agree, it does take time. I hate that I waited so long to work on finding mine. Sometimes my happy place is just watching a good movie and having a favorite snack.

@Anxietynancy it is really, really tough. You are right. I have to stop my mind from wondering because I do that often.

Update- Dad did have a virus and is doing better. Please send positive thoughts my way. I'm truly struggling with seeing my father like this. He is not in bad shape but I can see the decline mentally and I hate that he can not do the things he used to do. I'm burned out emotionally.

Another update- So dad called about 20 minutes ago and said he is at the ER. I reminded him that his tests are fine and he said his stomach still hurts and he wants the hospital to run tests. I called the facility and the nurse told me that he was fine one minute and the next minute , he threw a fit like he was dying and wanted to go to the ER. I honestly think he is trying to get thrown out of the facility.

FB, my mother said she was "dying" all the time. She wasn't. She constantly had a bad stomachache and was burping, had diarrhea, etc. If I had a dime for every "illness" she had, I'd be rich. Ignore dad and just cut down on your contact with him. His histrionics is designed to nerve you up and it's working, unfortunately. Get wise to what's going on. I'm sure he may have a stomachache which is no big deal. The tests are all ok. If this were a true emergency, he'd have been sent to the ER or at least one of those tests would've come back positive. Try to relax and know he's where he needs to be. You WILL be called by the AL if there's a REAL problem.


Sorry for the confusion. My mind has been all over the place. He did not go to the hospital but he is still saying he might have to be admitted. He told me yesterday that they have not read the X-Rays yet. He says his stomach still hurts. He said that about 4 times during the conversation. He says he has been eating but not as much. Hopefully we will know the results of the test soon. I'm not saying his stomach is not hurting but I do know he likes to get me worried so that my focus will be on him.

Correction, I just realized that I had said he went to the hospital yesterday but he did not.

Update- Dad called this morning to ask me if I had spoken to the nurse about him going to the hospital. I told him that no one had called me. So I called the main number and long story short, he did go to the hospital today. They told me that they would do tests at the facility. I feel that if it was a true emergency, they would have taken him.

Stopping the panic does make you feel better. I have been working on that. Dad will not answer phone sometimes when I call. He use to always answer or call me right back.

Your words are so true. I do have the "But what if it is REAL this time" syndrome. I definitely can't give up my life because of it. But I'm just worn out.

I am sorry to hear you are on the same merry-go-round, Faithful. But at least you are quite seasoned at it now, and understand when it happens and etc.
I think we often tend to suffer with the "But what if it is REAL this time" syndrome. And the fact is that it may be some day. That doesn't mean you can live your life on this tilt-a-whirl without getting pretty sick of it.
Good to hear from you. Wish the news was better.
Do go on your trip as planned. Something someday WILL happen to your dad. That can be banked on. And you can't meanwhile give your life up because that some day could be this day. That's wouldn't make sense at all.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will leave it open. I definitely have a lot going on.

I'm at the end of my rope. I want him to be taken care of if he is sick, but I know he likes attention. Thank you for saying that I'm doing the best I can because I really am.

Evidently he is telling people that he is going be admitted to the hospital tomorrow because a friend of his just called and said he told him he's being admitted tomorrow. He has had so many tests run already and they were all good.

This reminds me of the time dad was in the hospital with a broken hip, getting "attention", and mom decided she had way too many black & blues on her arms and needed me to take her to the ER. She was taking a blood thinner, btw, which was the reason for the bruises. I was seeing red. I took her to the ER and the doctor said, Josephine, what are you doing here? You're taking blood thinners and questioning BRUISES?
Mom says, I'm not questioning anything, my daughter insisted I come to the ER.

I truly thought my head would explode at that point.

Tell the AL not to call you unless dad decides to go to the ER. And then you'll meet him there. That's what I'd do with my parents, let the ambulance take them. He will get triaged much faster that way too.

Good luck to you.

I had stomach cramps Thursday that hurt really bad but I did have any other issues. He says he wants to go tomorrow to have tests run but when they wanted to send him today, he refused. It is just tough not having anyone to lean on which is why I love this forum. I really can not afford to miss work if there is nothing really wrong and I do not have anyone else to send to check on him. Hopefully it is just a bug.

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