Sorry to say, but this site has been so depressing for a few days. I thought I'd ask an average, everyday make us all feel a little more normal today.
I made Eggplant Lasagna, and my BIL and SIL are coming for dinner. They leave for Cali tomorrow to see their beautiful grand daughter.
Sorry, sometimes we just need some REGULAR conversation.......or at least THIS caregiver does.
this makes me recall a couple of guys i used to work in the " too " close proximinity of -- a trim carpenter and a painter. to say that these guys were unmotivated would be the understatement of all time. when theyd get to work in the am, the first hour of work would be discussion about where they were going to have lunch at today. then theyd talk about the " band " lighting for the next and so on until before you know it, it would be time for lunch. i dont believe i ever saw either of them do anything and by the time the builder would catch up to them each day theyd be " out to lunch " . the builder died at the age of 45 -- i s'pose he just gave up..
Too bad we don't all live close enough to have a progressive supper. We'd have the greatest meal!
Any suggestions for what your Alzheimer loved ones likes the most? marymember
the yams i could do without jeanne. beta carotine's a**, id rather die young.
my mom would sometimes specifically ask for some fried potato wedges. i think id fry them in oil mixed with water, then when the water had cooked the potatoes and boiled away youd be frying again. this technique is what gives em " fluff " .
I knew I had more lamb chops than we could eat so I made extra veggies, too, and my grandson just picked up his take-home meal!
By the way, I'm really enjoying my new immersion blender.
ba8alou, do you have a gathering at your house for Passover?