
My father cannot get out of the recliner this morning. He is telling the aide that he has no feeling in his foot. My mother just bought a new pair of slippers which he wears even at night and it might have been tight and is now causing his foot to be numb. He already has venous circulation issues, and huge mobility issues. He can hardly walk anymore.

He's been been sleeping in the recliner in the living room because he is unable to get out of bed and refuses to be in a hospital bed. The aide needs to change his diaper and is unable to do so. She gave him some ibuprofen and we're hoping that we can get him up but so far cannot.

Aside from the obvious that he should not be home any longer, what should I be doing right now? Should I call EMS if we can't get him out? I honestly don't know what to do.

Please advise. Thank you.

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Just an update. The other shoe fell this morning -- my dad fell trying to get onto the chair lift. My husband could not get him up and we had to call EMS. He was admitted to the hospital for an evaluation because he cannot be home anymore. His needs are simply too great. The hospital social worker said that the Medicare clock started again January 1st and he can go to a rehab facility for a full 21 days which hopefully will give us enough time to consult an eldercare attorney and start the process to get him admitted to a nursing home.

I feel awful for my mom because her husband of 70 years is no longer living with her. I'm just in shock that it happened like this. It was an ordinary morning. He had just finished breakfast and the aide was helping get him on the stair lift and he missed getting on the seat. Sadly dad won't be back here in his home again. Just like that.

I'm feeling very sad for my dad that a productive happy life is reduced to a shamble. I feel guilty because I have a feeling of tremendous relief thinking that my sisters' and my ordeal will get a bit easier now managing the at-home needs of just our mom now.

Not sure how this will go. We want him to be in a good facility near to home. If anyone has any wisdom or advice, please share. I really appreciate this group's support.
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AlvaDeer Jan 2023
So sorry to hear this update, but it was clear this was coming, and I don't know that you should not get involved now with discharge planning early on. It is sounding like your Dad needs to have some placement, and hard as that is, it may otherwise take both of your parents at once. I am so sorry to hear this bad news.
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Sleeping in a recliner maybe the problem. He could be pinching a nerve.
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Thanks everyone for the advice. The aide managed to get him up. Will call 911 when it happens again.
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Call for transport to the hospital and don’t listen if he argues
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He needs transport to the hospital. No feeling in the lower extremity when there are already known circulation and mobility issues is a huge cause for concern. Definitely it's not just a matter of getting him out of the chair. He needs an urgent medical evaluation at a hospital.
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Yes. Your Dad needs to be assessed. And quite honestly I would contact Social Services at once should there be an admission. It is looking like this is now quite beyond home care. Call EMS.
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