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Uncle Dave that is nice of you to do that. I think the idea of a community call circle is a wonderful idea. The people on a list could get a call say twice a day from the call person. If no one answers after two tries they would then contact that persons emergency contact. The emergeny contact would them be responsible for checking in or calling 911 but it would be their choice.
Helpful Answer (2)

I can see where a phone call is helpful. But my own
experience in just having hip surgery. I have great
neighbors that check on me daily, however one stopped
by and everything was good and within 30 minutes I went
to the bathroom and fell. So you really need more than one
contact a day for safety.
Helpful Answer (1)

I am contacting a number of wake up call services and asking:

The members of the AgingCare caregivers forum asked: Is there an agency or group that calls elderly individuals on a daily basis to make sure they are basically alright?

A caregiver for my wife, I participate on the forum and often Google to help members like myself. answers questions, one-on-one support and practical advice. a caring community of others on the caregiving journey
Could your service serve as a wellness call?

Can you call another number if no answer
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How old is your person and what is their condition? I am 71 and actually in good health! My husband is in a home with Alzheimer's Disease and I am retired. I volunteer a couple of times a month in the Soup Kitchen at church!
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I live near Prince Frederick. About a half hour away. I don't know of any agency. But it is a fine idea. Maybe we should start a service. I wouldn't mind getting that call every day myself . I have already fallen, got a concussion.. When i woke up in a pool of blood, I called 911 myself. It has been since March and I am just starting to get over the dizziness. Headaches went away a while ago. I could call your person for you if you would like!
Helpful Answer (4)

I love Garden Artist's ideas - living in the country folks care for each other in these informal ways which I think are the wave of the future for aging care but we have Triad Officers from County Sheriffs offices in MA that check on folks and find mcih needed equipment like walkers and recliners! Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)

I'm not aware of any but you might consider creating your own group through friends, neighbors and relatives.

A once daily call would be helpful, but with fragile elders, something could happen 5 minutes after a call.

You could contact the local emergency responders and ask them specifically if they provide this service, and if not, whether they're aware of any agency that does. I seriously doubt any utility company would though - it's just within their scope of operation.

Do you have a medic alert pendant? If not, I'd consider getting one. If the person doesn't answer a phone call, the monitoring company will call parties on the emergency call list - family if listed first, then EMTs.

I don't know if they will make regular check-in calls, but it should be the first question you ask if you explore this option. I've used it for this purpose a few times. At one time, the phone volume switch had accidentally been turned down when picking up the phone for an earlier call. The Medic Alert system "calls" directly through the pendant and can reach someone if the phone is turned down or off.

If you do decide to get a Medic Alert, be sure to get a lockbox so that a house key can be placed in it so emergency responders can get in.
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I am not familiar with where Prince Frederick is, but if you are in the States, contact your local Council on Aging.
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