
Elder is not eating. We don’t know why.

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Reply to brandee

It would be nice to know her age? Because at some point dyalisis just does not work. It is very hard on the body.

I would ask her dyalisis team if food not tasting good is normal. There are all kinds of reasons why she is not eeting and the team should know this. May be your dear friend is just giving up. May be time for hospice.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Sorry such a short question. I wasn’t sure how this worked. My good friend had been hospitalized 3 months. She recently started dialysis. About that same time she’s not interested in food. She says it doesn’t taste good. She needs food for energy to do therapy. Just don’t know how to get her to eat.
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Reply to jspeirs1

Could be that they're having problems with their teeth, or trouble swallowing, or even nearing end of life.
Without you giving us much to go on all we can do is guess.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

How old is this elder? Within the past 2 months both my MIL (89, in LTC) and my Aunt (105, living at home) began having reduced appetites with no other medical issues other than mod dementia and very advanced age. Both passed within 2-3 months of this change. Both went onto hospice. Maybe consider this discussion with the elder's doctor or facility?
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Reply to Geaton777

Very common to eat much less and to sleep much more.
Discuss with elder's doc.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Please fill in more information in your profile or in your question. There's lots of reasons this is happening. Age,physical decline,stress. More input will get you more information. Welcome to the forum
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Reply to JuliaH

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