
Looking after and caring for your mother is hard. But it’s harder when everything you seem to say or do is wrong !
It’s got to the point now where she complains just about anything in a daily
advise please (before I go insane)

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You do not give any info about your mom or what you do to help her.
Can she be left for a while? If so take a few days and take care of yourself.
If she can not be alone and you are sole caregiver mom needs to pay someone to come in and relieve you for a few days a week. Or try to get mom in an Adult Day program. Most will come pick up, the programs typically offer a breakfast, or mid morning snack and a lunch.
Senior Centers are another option most have a variety of activities going on at all times.
A little more info might help get better suggestions.
Another possibility is anxiety and or depression and a talk with her doctor might help
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You have nothing on ur profile concerning your mothers condition. Does she suffer from Dementia if not what is the reason you care for her? You will get more informed answers if you tell us what her health problems are.
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If you took a week off, how would she fare?

Consider taking a vacation; is she capable of booking her own respite care?
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