My mother in law, 77- MS, Parkinsonism, dementia unspecified…. Lives on a really nice memory care unit. She’s been there for 6 months so far. We visit every single day. Between atleast 5 of us, she has a visitor everyday. Usually an hour to 3 hours a lot of the time. She gets the most visits out of anyone. For the last couple years, there’s been occasions where she says someone hit her, or someone choked her or someone threw her, etc… before memory care she was at home, and there isn’t a single soul that would’ve ever harmed her, but she would say things like this when she was angry. Years ago she threatened her own daughter that she will call her place of employment and tell them that she beats her. (My sister in law works with individuals with intellectual disabilities) The last time she made a claim like this about a month ago, she told staff at a rehab that her husband choked her (she was mad at him) So staff called DCF abuse hotline and it opened a whole can of worms. The case closed just after a few days because it was unfounded. Well lately she’s been asking when she gets to leave memory care and getting in a tizzy. Today she has said staff beat her and threw her in her chair. We know this not to be true- we are there so often that we know all the staff quite well, the fact that she makes up things like this often, and between the time I left from visiting her today, my husband showed up as I was leaving. There was no time for anything to happen. Now she wants to call police. That’s something else she has done in the past is call 911 over hospital staff…. We don’t let her have a phone on the unit…. If youve gone through this, what did you do?
There has to be some kind of medication to help keep your mom more calm and paranoid free, so I would most certainly talk to her doctor(s) about that.
But just be careful because if your mom has Parkinson's and dementia it could very well be Lewy Body dementia which often goes hand and hand with Parkinson's and which doesn't play well with some of the usual medications that are given for the other dementias.
And I would just call the police dept. to make them aware of your moms dementia, so they can notate it in the system.
You can talk with her doctors about medication to calm her and possibly reduce the incidence of these thoughts, if she's imagining them to be true.
The process is that the facility is MANDATED to report. You should be understanding of that. They will also be relied on to tell APS they never saw evidence of abuse and you will be cooperative, answering all questions, and telling them you understand Mom is no longer in control of her faculties and that you know the staff is mandated to report, and that you are sorry for their tough job.
Then simply answer their questions.
As you said, it will all go away quite soon.