My grandmother has recently moved into a nursing home, but I'm still (mostly) responsible. She's having constant UTIs which were never this extreme of a problem before, and I'm wondering if changing to a perineal spray or wash would help prevent? She wears briefs all the time, but depending on confusion level still also uses the bedpan/potty chair at times. Staff here uses her body wash on a washcloth to clean her after toileting, and I just don't know if that's ok? Help please!
The baby wipes are great. Buy unscented ones, largest that they come. Hopefully help her to wipe herself. This seems like CNA 101, good grief, we were trained to do this a 2 yo's..and having a lot of patients with UTI's would be bad news to the NH.
There are a lot of things that can make the conditions perfect for a UTI.
Improper cleaning
Not enough fluids. I gave my Husband cranberry juice often and I think we had only 1 or 2 UTI incidents in 3 years. I would mix it with OJ or cut it with water and he would drink it all day. It was a bit strong as 100% cranberry.
not being changed soon enough or often enough
Poor technique in cleaning
facilities that are not properly cleaned and or sanitized.
(Are many of the other residents getting them at the same time? If so I also wonder about the technique between residents)
And it seems some are more prone to them than others.
This might be worth having a meeting about with the administration. And if a Peri wash is something that you want used they should honor those wishes.
I hope that you get some more responses, but, I'd keep in mind that certain cleaners applied in that area could kill the good bacteria and cause an overgrowth of yeast.
Also, has the doctor discussed a daily antibiotic to ward off the UTI's? My mom's doctor discussed that with her. There are pros and cons to doing that.