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When using pre-moistened napkins, I've found it best to store them in a wipe warmer. I got lucky one day at a GoodWill store.k lo9
for $5. It was brand new, with a built-in night light. Munchkin maked them.
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For those of you who mentioned a sudsy washcloth, if you're cleaning off a significant mess, how do you "rinse" the washcloth between wipes, especially if you're not adjacent to a sink? Thank you!
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to loosen sticky stool try shaving cream. helps it come right off.
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I assume you are a man Djeranson, wiping feces forward into the vagina and urethra in women is definitely a no no.
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Wipe from back to front with good quality toilet tissue folded in 4 layers. Do this with your own method as you desire.

Acquire a ( white) soft cotton wash rag folded in half and fold again to a square shape. Wet rag with warm water and apply either soap or shampoo to wet rag. Make sure bowel movement is completed. Wash anus area from back to front and front to back while changing position of rag in rotation until no stain is noticed on rag in last position. Clean stained white rag under faucet until all stain is gone. Hang cleaned rag up to dry, ready for next need. I am 90 and it works perfect for me.
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Person is in a recliner not enough room to do roll method person is situated on chux with pad between legs over perianal area cut zipper off one gallon zip lock bag. Spread persons legs apart. Lay bag flat and with your hand inside slide bag under pad. Remove pad. Use warm wet washcloth with glove on and it will slide between legs to clean bm. Do this until cloth or cloths are clean slide clean pad under bottom remove plastic bag😄
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The bidet toilet seats are frequently used in these situations. I installed one for a rehabilitating stroke client the other week and they are very happy with it.
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I've been reporting this salesman every time I see one of his posts. He must really be desperate for customers.
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Did you learn this low, tasteless sales technique in Sleazy Salesmenship 101?
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Digging up old posts to promote your business?
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What is the best way to clean the "pot" under the portable toilet/raised seat after my wife's use?
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Flushable wipes. And a gait belt.
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Dollar General stores carry Adult Wipes in their DG brand ($2.75 pack). Strong and thick.
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There. is no room between moms rear and toilet for a bidet wand. I even move her off for wood and they're still isn't Room I don't know how you guys do it but I wish I could.
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If things get messy, shampoo on a wet wash cloth is great for cleaning up poo messes. My dad has had issues making it to the toilet in time, even though he wears protection. Many a time we've had to clean him, and the addition of regular shampoo suds-ed up on a wet wash cloth works wonders. Wet wipes are good for baby sized messes, but if it is anything bigger, I wouldn't mess with them except maybe for finishing up.
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Hi Billie, The best wipes are huggies, they are thick and wont cause them to be sore, then apply vaseline after you dry them. I transfer my Mom onto the toilet from the wheelchair, then lift her again, and drop her pants down. I put her on the front edge of he toilet with a log shape pillow behind her back. This gives me room to wash her lower back and reach down and do her bum area, I also use no rinse Bath Wipes on weekends to give myself a break, you put in the microwave( but they cost more). After I wash and dry and powder the back, I lift her again and sit her back on the toilet seat more. I soap up her frontal areas and then spray warm water all over her peri area down into the toilet. I have bath rugs all around the toilet when I wash her. I buy the peri bottles at the hair supply places, or anywhere, they are used to dye your hair, but make great peri bottles!
If your loved one can do it, a nice strong bar across from the toilet is great to put their hands on to pull up their pants and then turn them slightly and lower them into their locked wheelchair again. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (5)

The Go bidet is a great idea.
IF you cannot afford a fancy gizmo though, an alternate might be,
IF your sink is close to the toilet, hooking up a hand-held shower [the kind with a shut-off button on the side] on a similar tubing.
If combined with: seat riser,
so there is space between the toilet and the seat, the shower handle can be maneuvered under the targeted area after water temperature and pressure has been adjusted at the sink
[you want to adjust water temp when the spigot is not on the skin of the person being washed, as that could be very uncomfortable].

A "Gait Belt" goes around the person's waist, fairly snug, but not too tight, which gives you a better grip to help hold them up/steady them, as they attempt to stand a bit for transfers and toileting.

For those caring for elders who are bed-bound most of the time:
If someone is lying in bed, the easiest way to clean them up is rolling them onto one side, work on areas then exposed that you can reach, while rolling the mess into the protective pads under the person, [anyone bed-bound and potentially incontinent can really benefit from those disposable waterproof pads!].
When side one is cleaned and prepped, roll the person over that hump of rolled up materials, onto the clean side, then clean side 2, as you procede to keep rolling the mess into the wad of disposable pads and/or bedding, gradually replacing the dirty with the clean.
Sometimes it can be tricky, with all the layers, but it is do-able.
The goal is to use the least amount of effort on your part,
and least amount of disruption to the patient;
systematically rolling up the mess in the disposables, while unrolling clean materials under the patient.
This is kinda of hard to describe; perhaps you can get a local nurses aid, LVN or an RN to show you how a bed-patient is most easily cleaned up.

There are various lifts that can help, but most of those do not fit into small spaces, or maneuver into the usual small-ish bathrooms.

Wet-wipes, of most kinds, are not flushable, do not degrade very well.
They can also clog plumbing.
So be sure to dispose of those in trash, along with whatever other disposable barriers are being disposed of.
Helpful Answer (4)

There's a very easy and thorough way. Called "Go Bidet" it retrofits onto the toilet and tuck back in under the rim when not in use. It can be hooked up to both hot and/or cold water and had a handle on the side to control the temperature mix and velocity of water flow. Get the unit with the metal reinforced hose (better than the plastic tubing). Sit the patient down, when finished --remain seated, maneuver the handle from the outer side and the area of spray will be on target. Then turn on the water and adjust the temperature. The patient is immaculately clean -- just dry and done. I have this on all my toilets for hygienic purposes only.

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Check out our Caregiver Bathing & Hygiene Section to find ways to help care for your elderly loved one.

I don't think there is any "easy" way but you might want to try baby wipes. They will clean and sanitize at the same time. Or try wet ones/antibacterial wipes if the elder does not want to use baby products.
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