
My 88 yo sis is in stage 7 on the FAST evaluation scale. She is constantly chanting and hardly sleeping. Many meds have been tried but nothing seems to work. A routine is in place as advised by her NP. Anyone have suggestions as to how to deal with this?

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My Mom started humming and she got so loud they had to medicate her. It was an anxiety. It was the beginning ofbher body shutting down.
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No answer except to say my aunt did this in the middle of the night. Loud, fast chanting and no sleep in sight. It kept me up when I was there. It was strange.
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its possible that - not much can be done about this?
give us more details on living situation, arrangement, and if the constant chants/noise is disruptive to others or not.....
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Has hospice been called in? If not, now is the time for an evaluation. They have meds that will calm your poor sister down and allow her to rest.

Best of luck with a difficult situation.
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Is she in a situation where a caregiver can ramp up her daytime activity and minimize any napping? My 100-yr old Aunt with mod/advanced dementia was on melatonin and Tylenol PM but that eventually stopped working. Then we started having her fold a large basket of kitch towels, sort objects, read aloud to us, walk around the house and outside (with support), and use a portable foot pedaler while she watched tv every day. It took care of her poor sleep habits -- for a while until it came to a point where nothing worked. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you can find something that helps.
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