
Elderly parent needs an emergency alert, necklace or bracelet that will also activate automatically for falls or lack of movement all day. Looking for recommendations with these features plus reasonable cost. Thank you.

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Life Alert pendant with fall detection seems to work flawlessly. My mom has been wearing it for years now, no complaints.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Slartibartfast

We used Great Call Lively for my dad with great success. They had a list in descending order of who to call when he fell. They first confirmed the fall with him, asked he needed emergency services called, then called relatives in order given for help to come. They were good about setting it up according to our wishes. It was dependent on him wearing it and him having a sound mind, it wouldn’t have worked without it
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Reply to Daughterof1930

What ever you choose, be sure and keep track of the billing. We had one and after about 6 months they started charging our card the monthly fee weekly. We had to cancel the card to get them to stop.

After that I put at least one phone in every room. I even changed the bathroom pedestal sink to a cabinet base and put a phone dock & phone in there. So she should be able to get to a phone no matter where she falls in the house. She's used that bathroom under the sink phone a couple of times already when she has fallen.
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Reply to jwellsy

Many people report that the elder doesn’t wear them, so in the end it’s a waste of money.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to anonymous1784938
MeDolly Oct 11, 2024
My stepmother had one she kept taking it off it served no purpose we tried both the neck and bracelet one when we would leave I'm sure after we shut the door she took it off. I can say that I know for sure as she fell many times and there was no Life Alert cuz she was not wearing it
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The above link will give you an agingcare primer on what to consider when choosing a device.
I hope members here will have a favorite recommend for you.
Do know when using the site that if you go up to the aqua-blue timeline up top of the page that you will find on the far right a little magnifying glass; press that and you go to search. There type in your favorite subject and you will get cued to those times the question was asked, and what the answers were. Useful in an oft asked subject such as this.

I know Lively makes a device; I love their smartphone and the personal human service I get with it, but know nothing about the device itself or the cost.
Good luck on your search.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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