
What did you do to emotionally process the grief while also having to make significant sudden changes and needing to be "on", like moving out, gaining non-caregiver employment, being around new coworkers etc.?
Also, how did you navigate complex concurrent and shifting emotions like grief, regret, anger, relief, etc.?
What has helped you make peace with the passing of your LO, if there is such a thing? What has helped you ease the pain of loss, yet embrace life post caregiving?

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"Grief is PRAISE because it is the natural way love honors what it misses".
by Martin Prechtel in "The Smell of Rain on Dust"

I think that you should let go of blame and begin to PRAISE. Most believers are good at praising.

I myself am not a believer, but it is very human to think, in retrospect of things we might have done more or done better. That has created the age-old adage of "Hindsight is always 20/20".
You are a human being. While you may LOVE God you are NOT God and it is hubris to think you can be perfect. Neither are you a Saint, and Saints have very dire job descriptions.
You did your best. Accept that, practice the Serenity Pray which this atheist uses OFTEN in her daily life.

My heart goes out to you. Only GOOD PEOPLE question themselves. Evil-doers never give it a thought.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I was caregiver for my grandmother, mama, daddy, and sister. I had different PTSD with each. I would pray every second and just let God get me through the next challenge. When I am alone and the thoughts of "you should have done this..." or "you should have done that..." pop into my head - I pray - God I know you are there and I believe I did the best I could have done. I need you now to take these thoughts from me and help me move to the next thing I need to do be it work, activity, being with my grands, assisting some one with job, volunteering, going to my craft class. Know that as I end this note I have said a prayer for you! ((hugs))
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Ohwow323

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