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Call salons and ask if they can accommodate a person in a wheelchair.
If a person can get from the wheelchair to the salon chair there should not be a problem.
Many of the salon chairs can be moved out of the way and a wheelchair put in it's place. It might make washing hair more difficult but they should be able to do it. And if you call in advance and let them know there are special capes that can make washing hair a bit easier if the person can not be over a sink.
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JCampbell, welcome to the forum. Since this forum is world-wide, chances are very slim that another caregiver who lives in Washington DC would know this answer. Best to call around to the different nearby salons and ask that question. Hope you find what you are looking for :)
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Sorry, but we are from all over the US and doubt, unless we live in DC, can give you this type if info.
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This is a forum and resource for caregivers. Not a place to plug your hair salon business.
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