
GWD has got a terrible habit of. “Hiding spoons” so no one steals them. They rarely reappear even after a search. The God awful noise of searching for a said spoon before anyone’s awake could do for a bit of quieting too lol. Yes I could pick some up at goodwill (we have. they’re gone.)

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You can now but plastic ware that looks like metal
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Pack up all of you good silverware and place it high up on a shelf somewhere out of reach.
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Did you look under the mattress. My GFs father had ALZ. Her parents slept in different bedrooms because he went to bed by nine and was up at 5. She went to bed later and got up later. He came into her room and told her his pants were gone. Every night he put his wallet and keys in his pockets, folded the pants and put them on the back of his chair. She hunted hi and low for them. Good thing, she told him he could not drive anymore without his drivers license and keys and he excepted that. A friend asked her if she looked under his mattress, way under. There they were. So she hid the wallet and keys and traded in the bigger car for a smaller one. He never asked to drive again.
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My mother hid lots of things, especially scissors. She lived next door and would come into my house and take ours too. I finally resorted to buying a classroom case. Now that she’s in care I’m finding them hidden all over her house. Visiting me? Please help yourself to a few pairs of scissors!
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waytomisery Aug 5, 2024
I could use scissors , my DH loses my kitchen scissors . 🙄🙄 Every once in a while I’ll find a pair in the garage or the basement or his desk . I must buy a pair 3-4 times a year .

And DH will comment “ Oh that’s safe ! Where are your scissors ? “, when he sees me using a knife to open something .🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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If you really have ‘silverware’, I certainly wouldn’t leave it in a drawer that’s easily accessible. Actually I wouldn’t use it often, because polishing a lot of silver cutlery regularly is a pain. I find silver things in OpShops, looking grotty – I think no-one realises that they are silver, and only need a polish with Silvo. My recent ‘find’ was a lovely little silver teapot, bargain at $5.
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My mother often accused care staff of taking a whole host of things from cutlery to toothpaste and even her clothes. When I got her on anti anxiety medication it helped but it’s the nature of dementia so a forever uphill battle. I did resort to plastic utensils and paper plates.
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My LO has put spoons in the kitchen garbage. I now check all garbage before putting it out for pickup. Also cereal dishes in the garbage, all the kitchen sponges and the dishwashing brush. Who knows why?? I sure don't.
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My 95-yr old Mom lives next door to us. A few weeks ago she accused me of "taking" 3 of her spoons. Mind you, I have plenty here -- not even including a fancy set and even a heirloom silver set. I told her I don't have them and never had them. She mumbled her lingering suspicion then left. The next day she waited for me to leave then came over and had my husband search for them. She also searched. None of her spoons were found, of course. I'm sure I'm still under suspicion.
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Im thinking they end up in the garbage. That's were mine went when my kids were little
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Umm yes! My youngest child would take the spoons (aka his digging tools). Same issues, being hid - found all over the house (& garden). I stocked the spoon drawer with plastic for a time.

Sounds like you found a good solution for this.. what next? You are going to be kept on your toes I think!
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97yroldmom Aug 6, 2024
Your post reminded me of when my little brothers and I had my moms tablespoons outside “digging to China”. 😊
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