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My experience is that it depends quite a lot on the person’s knees. Not possible if they have edema or very painful knees. If the knees are OK, personal directions to roll over on side with knees bent, then up to hands and knees, then insert low stool in front for them ‘crawl’ up onto, then proceed in small steps to raise their front and put a low stool under their bottom. Find things they can push or pull on eg (pull on heavy chair, helper stabilises the chair). No pushing or pulling from the furniture mover!

More or less what Beatty and Country Mouse suggest, and they have heaps and heaps of experience. If getting the professionals isn’t quick or easy, provide a pillow, blanket, water in a sippy cup, and something to suck on, to keep them comfortable while you get help.
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easy answer Don't. Call emt to get someone off floor.
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You don't lift anyone off the floor unless you have the right equipment and the right training.

If the person is unhurt but can't be guided verbally to get up unassisted, you call your local falls response service - ambulance if need be, but many areas have special falls response teams.
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*You* don't... don't even try.

If able, have them go onto all 4s, then get a low stool or chair near them so that they can maybe hold on and get themselves up in stages. If they can't, call EMTs.
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Someone said here that you get the person up in steps. First, have them get themselves on a stool, then a low chair, then the chair you need them to be in.

When my Mom fell my daughter was home. My Mom weighed 135 then. My daughter had my Mom put her arms around her arms and clasp her wrists. My daughtervthen crouched down with her legs spread apart, putting her arms around Mom and lift with her legs. Placing Mom on the toilet seat. My daughter is an RN. Me, no upper body strength.

You can hurt yourself bad if you don't know how to lift. This same daughter was trying to get my Dad off the toilet when he started to fall over right next to the tub. She went to grab for him and thru her back muscles out. So badly that the muscles were pulling her back bones out of alignment. Months of using a Chiropractor.
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Non emergency fire department.

Lifting anyone, besides a child can do irreparable damage to your back.

If they can get up with help, Google how to use furniture to get up. Then you can talk them through how to safely get themselves up.
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I had an 81-year-old yoga teacher who emphasized upper body strength in her classes. The people in my class were mostly over 55, some living alone. Teacher insisted that everyone must preserve or build ability to get up off the floor if we fell because survival might depend on it. She was right. If we were all like her, we’d be able to do the crow pose, which is balancing on two hands with our knees on our elbows. I don’t know why more patients aren’t counseled in building upper body strength. Caregivers too. When my mother would fall, there was a risk that her shoulder would be dislocated if someone tried to pick her up by the arms, and it happened several times. So I don't advise picking anyone up yourself. Call 911 instead.
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You don't try to lift the person off the floor yourself or YOU will need to go to the hospital!

What's the equivalent of 911 in Australia? Or the fire department, which is who we call here in the USA when an elder has fallen & we can't get them up on our own. Call whatever service it is in AUS that has EMS people who can use their muscle power and medical training to get this 'heavy person off the floor' for you. And, if it becomes an ongoing issue, consider placement in a long term managed care facility for them. I don't know what that looks like in AUS either, but someone will come along who lives there and will know.

Good luck.
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Beatty Oct 2022
**Any blow to the head needs emergency services**

An unwitnessed fall, collapse, any suspected medical problem - call emergency services too.

Make the person comfortable on the floor while they wait but do not move them if you suspect any head/neck/back injury.

Keep warm with a blanket/towel. Shade if outside in direct sun.

An obvious slip or trip with no injuries would be ok to instruct & assist up. Use judgement to assess - avoid risks.

Call 000 & explain. Include age & size. They may send fire service or paramedics depending on who's closer. Some ambos carry a lift aide (kind of inflatable chair).

Are you ambulance members? Pensioners?
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It’s not safe for the person being lifted or the person attempting to lift them. Both can easily be injured. When my dad fell the local fire department came and safely picked him up, made sure he wasn’t injured, and always treated him kindly. I’m still grateful. Please don’t risk injury for anyone involved
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Call 911 and ask for a fire squad to lift them. I had to do it with my dad, and they just scooped him up and plopped in back in bed.

If falls are becoming a frequent issue, it may be time for a wheelchair.
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You don't.

However, you can instruct a person how to get themself up, place a chair nearby for them to use.

If they cannot do this with minimum assistance, you need help. Otherwise you risk injury to yourself & them. Sometimes a call to Fire Brigade or EMS (ambo) for a 'lift' is required.
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