
We are having a Hoyer lift delivered in a couple of days and I was wondering if anyone has used them to put a patient in and out of a bathtub?

I have no personal experience with potable lifts but I did a lot of investigating before I ultimately decided to move my mom to the nursing home; I think the biggest barriers will be moving the lift around and whether it will fit easily through doorways and into the bathroom, plus unless your tub is raised I'm not sure you'd be able to position the lift in a way that the sling would reach over the tub.
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Reply to cwillie

Please consider having an occupational therapist come to the house and assess safe bathing options. All you need is an order for home health from your doctor. A hoyer lift won’t work.
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Reply to MidwestOT

Thank you, Grandma1954. I appreciate your reply!
That is what I am wondering - if the Lift will lower Mama all the way to the bottom of the tub!! Guess I just have to wait until it gets here to see!!

Blessings !

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Reply to Laineyisat

I used one to put my Husband in his shower wheelchair and the sling I used for that was a Mesh full body sling and sometimes he remained on the sling while I showered him.
When the shower was done I could dry him and I would then remove the sling if it was still under him and replace it with the solid split leg sling.

You might want to try the Hoyer Lift to see if it will lower a person low enough for a bath. (And if you are able to try it with a person in the sling)
The easier thing might be to use a shower chair placed in the bathtub and then use a shower wand rather than an actual bath.
I don't know about you but the thought of getting down on my knees to help someone bathe sends a shudder through my poor aching knees!

Many places that have a tub will have a higher tub and or ceiling mounted lifts that run on tracks.
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Reply to Grandma1954

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