
My mother lied about me telling APS I was abusing her, THAT I pushed her down to the ground, left her in chairs to pee her pants and more derogatory comments of things that I did to her. I was so beside myself, Thankfully, They thru nothing against me for financial. I'm the one that actually called this facility to come out and help my mother. I am the last child out of 4 that is living, and i'm there taking care of her a couple people in my family that I don't particularly get along with one, is my mother's sister and her daughter, they started coming and visiting my mother after not coming over for years. Within living there for 3 years, taking care of her, I now have a restraining order. One month I'm outta there. I never cried so hard in my life. my mother has taken me off of durable power of attorney and financial and off of his executor of her will. those 3 things really didn't matter to me. What mattered to me is taking care of my mom. She is in starting stages of dementia. I am fighting this restraining order. I'm just getting information in affidavit's to have it overturned. and I am just sick to my stomach. How can they do this? How can adult protective services just come in and do this to people? Does this happen all the time. Does adult protective services get paid to do this kind of stuff. I mean, I know CPS when they get called for children. They get paid to put children in the system. I'm the one that called these people to come in and help my mother, why would they think I'm abusing her when I called them to come in and help her!

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I cannot imagine why the OP would want anything whatsoever to do with this woman, her mother.
To me, were she my mother, I would consider it miraculous if APS intervened and took on mama. Good riddance.
I have no idea the connection here, nor if our OP LIVES with mother? But being rid of her and her problems would be, I would think lovely.

And no, APS isn't paid to intervene and doesn't GET MONEY. They are there to do their job and as I have said over and over on AgingCare, MOST people say that they will not intervene to do ANYTHING. The complaint we see here is that they simply walk away saying "everything is fine" or words to that effect.

I think you are an adult, C. You will have to make your own decisions in all this mess, and bear the responsibilities of those decisions.
I doubt you NEED an attorney and I doubt you would find one for free, but perhaps it is as you say, and I will wish you the very best of luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I have to correct your assumption that the system, APS or CPS are paid to cause problems and remove children or adults from the home, it is utterly sickening how bad things have to be before there is any intervention. They go to asinine lengths to keep vulnerable people, young and old, in their homes.

Your post is erratic and I can't really tell what you are saying, you should try to breathe and be more coherent with the Judge, it will serve you better.

EDIT: I just read your answer to JoAnn. If your mom is that awful, thank The Lord and walk away. Let her find out what she cares about can do for her. And DON'T put this on your own kids, they can do whatever they want.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Yes, this is confusing. You called APS and then they investigated you?

You were cleared of financially taken advantage of her?
Her sister and daughter got involved and jow there is a restraining order placebon you? Meaning you can't contact your Mom? And why can you jot contact Mom, because you abused her?

Who is caring for her if you aren't. Do you feel she is being coerced into changing her Will and POA?

I think you need a lawyer. If your Mom was diagnoised with a Dementia, she may not have been able to change her Will or POA. You need answers and a lawyer will get them before you. Therebis legal aid if you can't afford one. They work on scale.
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Reply to JoAnn29
cbaugh5687 Mar 20, 2025
Yes to all of your questions. I had no idea at the time that I could get a lawyer for false accusations. because I did not receive a letter from APS that I was supposed to. Or my mother intercepted it. my mother had been going to the same doctor for years. He would either prescribe her another pill, which she was already on about 15 of them. 3 of them alone were for high blood pressure. I know they use 'em for other reasons, but it was ridiculous. they checked her twice with that little bitty. Test that they do inside the office about remembering a few little words, and what time it is, and who the president is. my mother is still living alone. My son lives on the other side of the duplex, but he works all the time so he doesn't have time to do it. My daughter may stop by 2 times a week. There is no way she is being taken care of the way she should be. she has not been diagnosed with dementia which I know she has. I am in the medical field. i'm not a nurse or anything, but I worked the medical field. i finally finally got a letter from her. Doctor and nurse stating that within the last six years, I have really taken great care of my mother, I gave that to the judge, how could they do this, how can they do?And the APS is definitely supposed to reach out to me. to me, I think the APS gets money like CPS child protective service here, in Washington, state child protective services will get money. If they put a child in the system or more children in a family that's how they make their money, it's unbelievable. And I cannot sue APS because they are a state facility. Its disgusting. on top of it all with my family doing what they are, I have nobody to turn to in my family, I cried for days after they did this to me. my daughter believes everything she says the only one that talks to me is my son. and yes, my family is involved to take things away from me, because I am already off of those executor durable power of attorney financial and medical. I did nothing to her.I swear on my life, I did nothing to her. and God, please forgive me for saying this. My mother is a narcissist, and the only thing she cares about is money. my mother was married three times her first husband was awful.Then she was married to my dad.Just short of 25 years, and her third husband was an amazing man during the time she was married to her 3rd, my sister and my mother tried to take my daughter away from me for no reason. whatsoever, other than the fact that my sister wanted a girl, and she had 2 boys. I mean, I could go on and on and on. I put all of this aside because I was the last living child out of four, and it happened years ago, It was done and said over with nothing became of it.
I'm getting off point here, but you are right, correct, and I am hiring a lawyer. There's a lot I did not know that I could do I could have called the police after I was pushed out of the house of false accusations. i'm hoping time has not ran out. i will let you know when I get more information on what will happen. I am contesting the will when she passes. Because I was told by a lawyer that as long as I was in there in the first place and because of the dementia even though she was not diagnosed as of yet we can still go from there because I do have a letter from the doctor and friends and the boys that would come over and pick her up off the floor. A lot of things that I have to back myself up. the will was nothing I ever cared about but after dealing with this, for 56 years and my mom making my life very hard in all that time I'm gonna fight for it now.
I have to stand up for myself. thank you for reading and responding. I really appreciate your help. That's why I joined the site. Take care have a great day!! This is a positive venture, something good always has to come out of something bad. I always believed and paying it forward is always a good feeling.
Also there is a website i went on to and i'm able to get a lawyer for free to help me with this. thank you again
I don't understand at all the accusations made by APS.
Can you enumerate them for us?
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