
My mom is 64, she’s disabled. Right now she’s on Medicare but Medicare sucks. I keep applying for Medicaid for her but we keep getting denied because she’s slightly over income, and they say she has Medicaid because they pay for her Medicare premium. For one, she’s needs Medicaid so that I can get a waiver to be paid as her caregiver, I can’t hardly work part time even, I can’t work full time because she has so many appointments and things. I’m basically her caregiver, I drive her everywhere, I do the grocery shopping, bill paying, and the chores around the house. She also can’t even afford anything with Medicare, she has so many medical bills that the offices aren’t letting her make appointments until she’s pays them but she doesn’t have hardly any money left over to pay. I keep trying for Medicaid and they keep denying her, what can I do? I know of putting extra income in a trust fund but we can’t really afford to be putting money away and having restrictions on it.

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"they say she has Medicaid because they pay for her Medicare premium"

If your Mom has Medicaid for health, she should be paying nothing out of pocket if she uses a doctor who takes Medicaid. If she is using doctors that don't except it, they should not have her as a patient. Call Medicare and see if Mom has Medicaid. Then find out if the doctors she is using except it. If not, you need to find doctors who will.

Medicaid for health and Medicaid for LTC are two different things. If Mom is over the income cap, see if your state allows for Qualifying Income trusts/Miller Trusts.
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You hire an elder lawyer to fix whatever roadblocks of income limits she has. Once on Medicaid will she enter a nursing home or are you looking for a few hours of a caregiver per week?
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