
I was diagnosed in 2012 I had Rhomatroid arthritis a few yrs back I hade fibromyalgia

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Veladelgado77, welcome to the forum. If you are 47 years old, that means your Mom is probably a senior citizen. Please note once someone gets up in age (believe me I know) we no longer have the energy nor strength to do what we use to do back when we were in our 40's or 50's.

If you have a Case Manager, please check with that person to see what are your options. Note that 40% of family caregivers die leaving behind the love one they were caring. Those are not good odds. If that should happen to your Mom, then what would you do?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer

It seems there is a program thru Social Security where a Caregiver can be paid. It seems it must be a relative, like a spouse, and of course there is criteria that has to be met. I have been dealing with the system for 16 years. A lawyer involved with helping my nephew get SSD, Working with Social Services and the state Disabilities Dept. And not once was I told that I could be paid to be his caregiver by SS. So this information is not widely shared.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I know Rhomatroid arthritis can become debilitating. You could try Medicaid for in home care. Some States have programs where family can get paid. Call your Dept of Disabilities to see what resources they have. I do hope you are receiving Social Security Disability. That does not need to be used for caregiving.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

I'm sorry for that diagnosis. Others have given you good insights... but what about the future? Your parents won't stay capable of caring for you forever. If they are in their mid-60s or older, they hopefully have a plan (and finances) to carry out care for themselves in their advancing and declining years. If at all possible please consider getting yourself as independent as possible, since that day for them will come -- and sometimes it comes unexpectedly early. You can look into section 8 housing and any other assistance available to you. You don't want to have to scramble to do this in a crisis. Are there others in your family who will help your parents when they need it, since it most likely cannot be you?

I wish you wisdom as you work towards a plan.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

If you get ssdi disability income, you are expected to use that to compensate your caregivers. And if you don’t qualify, no the taxpayers won’t pay for you to have a caregiver.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to PeggySue2020
JoAnn29 Dec 30, 2024
People live on Social Security Disability. They get it because they can't work. Meaning, they can't afford Caregivers. My nephew gets $558 a month in SSD. How do you think he can afford Caregivers.
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Many people with rhematoid arthritis live a fully functioning life; my DIL recently retired from a lifelong career in teaching, still gardens and etc. Fibromyalgia is also not debilitating to the extent that you require in normal circumstances, a caregiver in home.

As to the laws of Medicaid and governmental assistance in payment of caregivers, they vary widely state to state and are something you yourself will have to research thoroughly for yourself.
So find out first if you qualify to receive govermental assistance in the home, then research who qualifies to provide said assistance to you. Wishing you good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If you are on Medicaid they will in most states offer financial help for a few hours of caregiving a week. Otherwise you'd have to pay her out of your own pocket.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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