
I was in Arizona and California until recently. In July, she ended up going to the hospital, she's 82 years old. Since the she was just going to physical therapy for a couple of weeks. She ended up getting hurt at the facility, falling and getting a concussion and 7 staples put her in her skull. After that she went back to the hospital, then she came back to the facility. They were not doing physical therapy for a couple of months so I had to transfer her to a different facility. They started physical therapy there, but she got really sick and then just accepted this. This week she passed away. Now the question. I have a major financial issue going on here. I have no income right now because of everything. I was her voice and trying to get her home and everything and now I have to move. What do I do because I have no financial support and I have to move, now? I have nobody out here. What do I do? I need help. Please, help me.

Find Care & Housing
Contact social services for the county you currently are living in. And look for a job. if you don't know or have anyone where you live right now, what is the rush to move? You can't move until you have some money saved up. Find a job or jobs and start making income. How old are you? If you are 62-1/2 you can start collecting social security income if you've worked and paid into it during your life.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

From what I can(barely)understand from your post, you were caring for your mother and now she has passed away and you're needing/wanting to move but you have no money.
I would start by calling 211 to find out what if any resources are available to you, and know that any remaining medical bills in your mothers name are not your responsibility.
I wish you well in now rebuilding your life in the city and state of your choice.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Mindals, I am really very sorry, but your message to us is almost incoherent. I hope you will read over it and if you are able and still have time, perhaps clear up some of the things that don't make a lot of sense.

What I do think I got is that you lived in California and in Arizona prior to moving in with your mother in 2019 to be her caregiver. You mention Riverside and I am thinking you now reside in Riverside Country, CA.?

I am afraid that we often see on this AC Forum people who leave their homes and jobs to move in as caregivers of relatives, who, after the family member dies, do not have any means of support, do not have a good job history, and do not have savings. Then, because the home or apartment is not their own, they do not have funds to live.

I will suggest this. I am assuming you lived in a rental with your mother and she paid the rent.
Sit tight there until you are evicted, which will take time, but meanwhile go to get a job as quickly as you can.

I would suggest caregiving as that is your experience recently so try at a long term care facility. You can start with housekeeping, kitchen or grounds work and work your way up. Save your first weeks salaries so you may, by the time you face eviction, have enough to rent a room in Riverside County in someone else's home.

If this doesn't work I would first call Adult Protective Services or APS for help. They may have pointers for you. You may get in home work through an agency. I would also consider looking for homeless shelters temporarily. You may get work guidance from them if they know you are capable of being a caregiver.

Good luck. I am afraid that your message to us serves as warning to others that they cannot do this to themselves. One must keep a job and a roof over one's head in this country. That is basic survival technique. It had to be apparent to you that your mother would eventually pass, and you would need to find a home and a job.
I wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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