
I have money from my divorce in the bank and once it’s gone, I don’t know what I will do. I know I will survive for a while, and my daughter thinks I get too anxious about things. I can’t get help, because I have too much in there I guess. Do I have options I don’t know about?

Have you checked with the SSA about getting your exhusbands social security? I found them to be very helpful for my mom and they looked at all of her options and put her on the one that gave her the most monthly.

If you already live in a 55+ community and it is more then you get, you should look for a cheaper community.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

There are 55 and up apartments for Seniors. HUD.

Call your local office of Aging. They should becable to steer you in the right direction.
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Reply to JoAnn29
Getinby75 Jan 26, 2025
I already live in a 55 and over apartment complex.
Report can look for a less expensive place to live, or take in a renter to offset the cost of your rent.
You can visit food and clothing pantries in your area if you fall within their financial guidelines(they don't ask for what you have in savings, only what you make a month)to help with groceries and such.
You can get a full or part-time job to help boost your finances.
And if and when the time comes that you need the help of the government you will have to apply for Medicaid.
Life is WAY too short to spend it worrying about what tomorrow will bring as none of us are even guaranteed tomorrow.
So be smart, use your money wisely and most importantly enjoy this one life the Good Lord has given you.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Good Afternoon,

You haven't mentioned if there is SS, a pension or if you are working and your age.

A reputable financial planner depending upon your age an Elder Attorney may be worth checking out.

Half the country is in this position.

This is not a financial advisor forum but you can learn from others about housing,
what insurance covers and doesn't cover and see what would work for you.

Don't be afraid...when my father passed suddenly years' ago we were in your shoes but looking back up to now we handled everything we had to.

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Reply to Ireland

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