
The original verbal contract was 2 hours a day at $10 an hour food prep only,including a room(his est. value $400 plus $50 for utilities) using that as partial salary credit. At the end of the month I receive a whopping $200.00 cash in hand! No one can live on that ! 8months in the disabled Veterans Fiduciary and him approved me another $200 cash so I now get $400.00 cash in hand at the end of the month! I was told he’s now tapped out (meaning no more $ is available to give for caregivers, that’s it)Fast forward to today 1 year and 3 months later and I’m now doing everything in the household from:cleaning(includes bathroom toilet,his bedroom, all mopping , sweeping, dusting, picking up.I handle all of the kitchen duties and messes, washing ,drying , putting dishes away,setting up coffee for early morning,making Drs .appts, picking up prescriptions , getting the mail ,he expects me to pick up after his dog as well as bath and feed him, I have even spent my own money numerous times on the dog food, I make grocery lists , shopping for the groceries, coming up with all meal ideas and cooking every meal in the house (3meals a day plus dessert) totals 21meals a week. He wants me to talk with his fiduciary when he needs an extra bill paid . Cable goes down I’m the one calling , it’s to the point he won’t answer his phone so he has given people my number ..WHY! He’s to damn lazy to pick it up. Where the serving him with his meals came from it’s just..( beyond a joke), he is more than capable to grab his meal, walk , move around ..and do things. His dog got sick he wants me to take it in and deal with the VET! I said NO! Most of my days end at 3AM the next morning giving me about 4 hours of restless sleep.Bottom line this patient of mine is so ignorant, filthy and Lazy he refuses to even make and confirm drs appts for himself , ignores Drs. Requests for follow ups! In addition he is required to make physical therapy appts and just sits in his chair in front of the TV from the time he wakes up till bed time! He has a nice electric wheelchair he doesn’t use ..Heck he won’t even walk outside for fresh air.No movement at all he makes no effort towards doing anything and will take no action as a homeowner to fix the faucet when it broke , stove doesn’t work , microwave just went out , someone needs to take the household trash to the dump, we have a mice issue , no screens on any windows (huge insect issue) no central a/c or heat, no doorknobs or locks on any doors…I think you get the idea!! I have called the VA caregiver hotline , I’ve called a caregiver support line through IHSS not much help. I feel stuck… we live in a small country town no buses, taxi’s, no pharmacy and our household is without a vehicle (a big issue)with NO general outside or neighbors that can help out! Im not from here therefore I have no family , cousins or aunts or even a good friend that could possible provide me with assistance or even a roof over my head. Any help and assistance would be greatly appreciated. I love this forum I found and great appreciation goes to all that provided me with answers to my 1st Question - Signed -Burnt out and taking advantage well as overworked and underpaid!

You asked a similar question on the 22nd and got answers.

I am sorry for your situation, but seems like anything we suggest will just be shot down because you have jo place to go. Right now you are a slave making slave wages. You need to call APS and ask for help.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

Caregivers can find themselves in all types of situations even us who work for agencies.

I've run into a couple of lazy people like this. Today I called the office and had them push a client up by thirty minutes because I'm so tired on the weekend when I get done with working with a couple of clients. These two do not need medical care, but uses the aides for maid service. I have this one male client that does little to nothing. He doesn't even have sheets for his bed. He drinks beer and refuses to to pick up papers and wrappers he drops on the floor.

Anyway, I was so tired after my own grocery shopping today and putting everything away, I called the agency letting them know that I needed an additional thirty minutes. Mind you, I hadn't eaten anything or had taken my meds so I was delayed. I was not going to anyone's smelly home to clean on an empty stomach. The agency calls as I'm in route to this man's home about two minutes away. The place stinks and smells like mold and a wet dog. The bed has a stained mattress cover and no changing sheets. He wants his entire apartment vacuumed and kitchen and bathroom cleaned basically doing maid's work.

Yesterday, I got a call from the agency wanting me to go to another location and the client needed someone with a car. I live in Washington, DC, and the street pavement here is terrible. Plus, there are too many one way streets to deal with. I told them a flat out no. I am not going to chauffeur a client around with a job paying minimum wage. It ain't happening. Gas here is $3.69 and the agency pays 55 cents per mile. I'm like no friggen way!

I think the entire system is set up to take advantage of people who are barely making ends meet. This industry gets more exploitive as time passes.

I would carve out some time to look for another job and some free online training classes. Check out some of your area nursing homes. They are always looking for good people.

You are being taken advantage of and it is time to leave this situation. Make sure you have something else lined up before you go. Do your two hours and job hunt and get training. Sometimes the employment office can get you into some free training classes to get you some markable skills.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Scampie1

400 a month is about 60 cents an hour at 168 hours a week. You should typically make 20 percent over what the minimum is in your state. Let’s say that’s 10/hour. So at 400/month, that’d be roughly 40 hours per month you owe him, or four hours per day. Five if you exclude weekends.

I would look for a job at a facility right away. Maybe swing shift. You do your hours for him between 9 and 2, then go to your job which will provide you with health insurance on top of wages.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to PeggySue2020

When you posted about this untenable situation yesterday, everyone advised you to quit. Why did you take this job to begin with, where you're virtually not getting paid to work 24/7? You can make more money working at McDonalds. Save up some money for car fare and call an Uber to get you out of there. No Uber? Call the fiduciary and tell them you need to quit for a family emergency , and need a ride OUT of there. Who takes the trash to the dump? Ask that person to give you a ride OUT of town when they come by to take the trash. Call the police and ask them for guidance, because you're feeling trapped.

Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

You don't ask us any questions, so I will ask you one:
Why are you working here?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

You need to quit. No one can make you a slave.

the sue him in court for back money owed.

For the love of all things good, stop doing more things for him! Why??!!!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to anonymous1784938

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