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When I applied for Medicaid for my Mom, I was told by the caseworker that Mom's Will was pretty much voided.

If Mom needs Medicaid now, there is no saving of the house. There is a 5 yr look back and no assets can be "saved" from Medicaid. Yes the house will be an exempt asset while she is alive but she will not be able to keep it up because her SS and pension will be needed to offset the cost of her care. So unless someone is willing to pay the bills, the house will need to be sold. If sold, the house needs to be sold at Market value and proceeds go for Moms care.

If the house does not sell till after her death, the person who is down as her contact will receive a recovery letter asking what assets she may have. The house is now an asset. A lien for what Medicaid put out will be placed on the house and will need to be sold to satisfy that lien. Unless...

Someone is willing to pay the lien to keep the house.

There is a Spouse living in it now and when Mom applied for Medicaid.

A disabled child who lived in it before the Medicaid application and still remains there. May need to prove they can keep up the house.

A family member who lived in the house as a Caregiver for at least two years prior to Mom going on Medicaid. Again, may need to prove they can keep it up.

With the last 3 examples, if these people leave, sell or die, the house will then need to be sold to satisfy the lien. Wills are for "just in case". It doesn't mean when we die there will be anything to inherit. Any assets we have should go towards our care. In my Moms situation, the house did not sell till after her death. There was a tax lien and Medicaid lien. By the time the liens were satisfied and some out of pocket expenses, we children got 10k to split between us.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I do not understand the question:
1. Who is on Medicaid
2. Who are the siblings and who is their parent?
3. Who has designated the siblings are to inherit a house?

For want of understanding I am assuming that there is a parent And I am assuming that parent owns a home. You say there are siblings. So I am assuming there are at least two children (or more) who will according to a will inherit mom's home when she dies.
But NOW Mom needs to go on Medicaid because she requires care (and qualifies for it) and she hasn't enough funds to pay for that care.
I am assuming that you are a sibling and that the siblings want to know

Your mother's home is protected and exempt along with one car while she is living.
However, when she dies Medicare will look at her assets (that home and car). They will then send the heirs notice that your mother's estate will owe _______amount of dollars when that home and car are sold. This is recovery of taxpayer expense to the extent a state can manage it; some call it "clawback".

I am hoping that I got your question right (and assuming a lot). If my answer is all wrong because I don't understand your question, I can maybe do better if you rephrase. Otherwise I wish you good luck ongoing.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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