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I will be aging alone and I found this book quite helpful -- it covers topics you might not consider. The book is Aging Alone: A Candid Guide to Money, Health and Living for Single Seniors by Ruth Alvarez. I got the Kindle version on Amazon. Here's the author's website:
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Reply to Pathfinder

Can you tell us exactly what sort of information it might be that you are seeking.
A little more information may help us to direct you.
Do consider the local Agency on Aging or Council on Aging. They can also guide you to resources.
Good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

waytomisery gave you multiple good resources to check on. I will only add that I hope you have all your legal ducks in a row: you have assigned a Power of Attorney for both medical and financial; created a Advance Healthcare Directive; Pre-need Guardianship document filled out and a person named; Instructions for what to do with your body; a Last Will and Testament and an assigned Executor; revocation documents ready to execute just in case; maybe even a Trust to protect you from wasting your financial resources incase you develop dementia/memory impairment; etc.

If you have only some or none of the above, please invest in a consult with a certificed elder law attorney (CELA) and continue to return to this very informative and supportive forum for any further questions.
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Reply to Geaton777

You could try your local Agency of Aging for resources in your area . Look on your county website . You can ask to speak to a social worker .
Check AARP for ideas as well .
Perhaps a local senior center .
Your primary care physician may be able to tell you resources .

We do have aging adults on this site as well . They do find helpful ideas here even though it’s geared for the caregiver .

You can also call APS ( Adult Protective Services ) .

You can certainly ask more detailed questions here regarding your specific needs and challenges if you are comfortable with that . You may get some ideas from responses .

Good Luck
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to waytomisery

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