
Hi, Which is the best necklace medical alert system? Thank you, Ann

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My experience was with a local ambulance company. My mom preferred the bracelet. Aunt preferred to wear the pendant which sent a message should she fall.

I knew two different women who actually were given life saving treatment due to having their alerts. I knew another who had her system next to her bed and pressed the call button if she got frightened. It made a booming announcement which would have possibly frightened someone away and if not, an EMS was on the way.
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We used GreatCall for my dad and had good success with it
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Is this for mom?
First thing...Will she keep it on? Will she use it?
And I guess what are you worried about?
If mom (I am going to assume this is for mom) will not keep the necklace or bracelet on it is of no use.
Does mom have a phone?
If you are worried about her whereabouts you can track her with the phone.
If she carries the phone with her if she needs help she can call 911 or make a call to you or another contact.
And if the person is in their home and does not have the phone with them if there is an Alexa or Echo that device can make a call to you or another contact.
And with Alexa, if they are in their home and you can not get hold of them you can "drop in" and monitor for any sounds and or call out to the person.

I honestly don't have much faith in the "alert" necklace/bracelet for the simple reason that I often see people in the facilities that I have gone to that do not wear them. They are left on the night stand, dresser, kitchen table back in their apartments.

A person with dementia at some point is not going to know how to sue the device so that limits it's use for that group of people.
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Before you purchase such a system you will need to figure out if your LO will really keep it on or remember to press it in an emergency. Someone with dementia or memory impairment may not do this.

My 105-yr old was taking hers off before going into the shower because she "didn't want to get it wet" and also because she is short and stooped and she said it would accidentally call because the pendant dangled right where her body met the edge of the counter when she was working there. Oy.

Some people just don't like this thing dangling from their necks.

I'm very sorry about the loss of your Dad. May you receive peace in your heart.
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