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My mom got to an ‘I cannot take it anymore’ point early this morning. I told her I would take her to the hospital but then thought to contact the doctor that saw her, as well as a nurse that lives next door. As a result my mom received a morphine injection and almost immediately the pain went away.
Oh Lord, finally some peace.

My mom had never received a morphine shot before, and as side effects she was light headed, lacking balance and with an upset stomach but it all was better than the pain that was killing her. Now I am, simply put, terrified of the pain returning, and more so of the possibility of having a longer than desired Shingles episode. But I trust with all my heart that won’t be the case.

I just cannot believe it was Shingles what got us to have to resource to Morphine.

If you are a believer please have my mom in your prayers; she has suffered a lot, more than most people, and this is simply a cruel situation for an elderly and very tired and depressed person. We need good thoughts and bright energy to come our way. Thank you so very much to all!
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AlvaDeer Nov 2020
Your Mom is in my thoughts. Days ago I thought she should be in a hospital setting where they can get good pain relief. I am surprised they administered morphine at home, then left; that takes care of a few hours. Then what. And it is a lot to give a patient this elderly and ill in a non-hospital or SNF setting. I am so sorry this is so ongoing for you and for your Mom. I send all the positive thought I can to you.
I'm so sorry about your mom. For those of you who are reading this, please get the vaccine so that you don't get shingles (or it's severity is reduced). One out of three older people will get shingles. Yes, one out of three! Spare yourself this misery. Insurance usually pays for the vaccine. A new vaccine came out several years back. Even if you had the old vaccine, get the new one. While you've at it, get a flu vaccine too! If you are 65+ get a pneumonia vaccine.
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Shane1124 Nov 2020
I agree. It’s two injections 6 months apart and insurance covers it in most instances.
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I don’t think anyone has mentioned CBD oil for this condition, but I’d ask for input from your mother’s doctor, and if given the go ahead, I’d try it without hesitation. It has none of the negative effects of marijuana, but some very helpful effects when used medicinally.
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Rosses003 Dec 2020
Ann, my mom took the CBD oil drops in days when she simply could not stand the pain. It worked. Not for a long time but at least she was able to fall asleep. She does not love it because some of the times she said she felt relaxed but still could feel the pain and I think she still has in her mind the relationship between CBD Oil and Marijuana, but there is absolutely nothing in CBD Oil that causes a person to “get high”. I, not being a doctor but being a daughter witnessing a parent in extreme pain, can say it does help. And considering that my mom has been taking a LOT of medication that have affected her stomach tremendously, CBD Oil has been effective yet not damaging for her stomach.
Sharing an update about my mom more for “educational or comparison” purposes as far as Shingles. Needless to say it is a horrible experience, specially for someone that is 85 with plenty of other health problems. As of today her blisters have healed significantly, yet not fully. I still clean them with chamomile and apply the prescribed medication twice a day; strangely she is more sensitive to the touch than at the beginning of the outbreak when her skin was raw. She can barely tolerate my touch applying the medicated cream.

The pain is a different story. It was literally unbearable until about three days ago, when it went from completely intolerable to severely painful (believe it or not, that is an improvement). Some days are worst than others.

We have been through days of complete depression to days when she makes an effort to try to do some activities but pretty much unsuccessfully, as the pain comes back with fury when she does. Aside from symptoms related to Shingles I have to say her strength has decreased noticeably and very significantly as a result of this illness, more than with anything else she has experienced in the past. It is probably because of her age and general health situation, but she has trouble with her balance, trouble standing up, moves very slowly and believe it or not despite her age she was not like that before Shingles. It has taken a huge toll on her and it saddens me a lot to see it. I hope and pray I can help repair some of the the damage with my care and providing proper nutrition (although she barely eats), and more than anything I pray the pain leaves her for good soon, as I can tell you my poor mom has had more than enough. And if I can be honest, I am pretty tired too, physically and emotionally.
For believers reading this, your prayers would be extremely appreciated. We need them! Thank you again so much for all of your input.
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My grandmother was given a prescription for Gabapentin to handle her shingles pain. It works on nerve pain and really helped her. I hope she feels better soon.
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