
We moved mom into a nursing home in August, she was miserable at first, but has done her best in accepting her living arrangement. Mom has always been “with it” mentally, but has mobility issues and heart issues. Since she has been in the nursing home and receiving PT she has become stronger and is moving about much more. Now I really think she would be happier if she was in assisted living (she thinks she wants to move to AL) But the thought overwhelms me! It isn’t just the physical move, finding a place (giving 30 day notice to nursing home and move to AL being seamless), making sure her medical insurance will be accepted (if we change physical locations), her money is already running low, so I worry about that part, (I finally learned that AL is covered by Medicaid.) The cost of AL would be approximately a savings of $3,000 a month. As mom has said, she doesn’t need the kind of care most nursing home residents need, she is often helping other residents! Mom now says she wants AL closer to me, but we are leaving this city in 4 years to return to where she is now and I believe she could still be with us in 4 years. Again, I am overwhelmed with the thought of moving her and us, by that time she will be 100% Medicaid, will it be hard to find a place for her to go to being on Medicaid? I am just feeling very anxious…again. I finally felt like all was ok and I was adjusting to this new normal, but I do think the AL would be better for her.

This post is from November.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I’m in a nursing home and I am just going nowhere ! I’m only 58 and have a whole lot of living to do ! My brain is sharp as a tac , but my knees and hips just won’t let me walk on my own . So I’m trying to get back to my hometown of Bellingham , Wash. I’m in Seattle at Ballard Center and it’s an “ end of the block “ type of facility with only 1 star reviews across the board ! I can do everything for myself now and am in a wheelchair but with NITHING to do and nowhere to go , I’m getting antsier by the day ! Any suggestions to get myself back to my hometown ?! My husband is in Bellingham and he NEEDS my help stat ! He’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and asks me every day “ when are you coming home ?” It saddens my heart to hear the fear in his voice and he’s alone , in the hospital with a leg infection . Someone , please help with a plan to get these lazy social workers to get me outta here and back to my husband . I’m on state insurance and am flat broke , makes my journey all that much harder . Does anybody relate to my situation ? I’m to that desperate point !
- Diane P.
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Reply to dianepapetti27
Chris52 Nov 13, 2024
Maybe put your question in a separate post so that it will get the attention it needs? You may not realize that you have simply responded to another person’s question, and people may not notice.
See 3 more replies
You are not crazy for moving your Mom from Nursing Home to Assisted Living. What level of ability is Assisted Living versus Nursing Home, varies from one facility to the next, even within the same corporation.

However, what is daunting is the fact that she will be 100% Medicaid and that will limit the number of places that you can place your Mom.

I would start by touring places. Tell them what she is capable of and not capable of doing. Tell them your expectations for her care. Make sure you get a place that will care for her for life in a place where you can visit from either place you live in. If you are private pay, you will have a lot more options. Many places will not accept Medicaid as a move in, however, will accept it if the person lives there and is on good behavior and then goes on Medicaid some time later.

It is overwhelming. However, I'm sure you are up to it.
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Reply to ChoppedLiver

In your checking, consider what AL facility you might choose that is near her to know your options whether it is now or in four years. We visit facilities from time to time, not only to know where we would like to go but to also know where we would not want to be to save time if we have to make a quick decision. This is keeping in mind management often changes which can make a good facility go down and improve a bad one.

Since she is "with it" involve her in the decision, making her aware if she moves closer to you she may have to stay there in four years if you can't find an appropriate Medicaid bed for her when you move.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KPWCSC

In our state, AL has to accept Medicaid waiver. However, they are 1-2 years private pay. You may just want to double check the specifics.
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Reply to darts1975

Seems like all positives to moving her.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Taarna

Most assisted living facilities are out of pocket. Your mom would do better mentally in a personal care home with activities. You might want to shop around and see what's affordable. Look for reviews. Remember, the more expensive the stay, does not make it better. Be open minded, but don't be taken advantage of. Most facilities have memory care also.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Onlychild2024

susanmac02: Pose your question to the Nursing Home's LSW.
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Reply to Llamalover47

In our state Medicaid might continue to pay for much of the medical help for someone in Assisted Living, but it will not pay for the Room and Board part of Assisted Living which is the most expensive part.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to RedVanAnnie

Did she qualify for an Elder Waiver? Is it covering 100% of her medical and custodial (room & board) costs? Usually these programs have a cap per person.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Medicaid rules vary by state. I would make very very sure that before you move your Mom into AL that Medicaid covers it because this is not the norm — usually Medicaid only covers LTC. The facility she goes to needs to accept Medicaid residents. You should talk to a Medicaid Planner for each state you are considering moving her to.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Geaton777

The staff in the nursing home who works with mom daily is most knowledgeable about whether a move to AL is advisable. Rely on their expertise and experience
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Susan, here is your previous questions about long term care vs Assisted Living.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to freqflyer

Your wrote us about this before, Susan.
Was anything we said here helpful?

"Long term care or assisted living?

"Mom was placed in a LTC facility about one month ago. Now, I am wondering if we should have gone to an Assisted Living facility. I thought mom needed more assistance than an AL would be capable of providing. How do I know if mom is capable of living in an AL facility? She isn’t very mobile, less so since she has been in a nursing home. Has anyone had their loved one in a nursing home and then took them to assisted living? Does AL offer PT? Thank you all for sharing your experiences with me."

What I would do, if I were you, is to discuss this with the facility administation. They know your mom best, and can make a guess at whether she could thrive.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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