
My father has been hospitalized for about 10 days due to falling and they found a brain bleed, unfortunately my father is without a home right now, he was living with me but after he was sent to the hospital my landlords will not allow him back to my residence (they live below me). Now this social worker who is so rude beyond comprehension is telling me he's ready to be discharged and to come get him. First I know for a fact if I put him up somewhere he cannot live on his own and I told this social worker so he told me if I dont get him he will send him to a homeless shelter and call the police on me for abandonment. I'm not trying to abandon him I just dont know what to do or where to turn right now. I'm about to have a nervous breakdown myself.

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You must use the words “unsafe discharge” and keep repeating those words. Do it now before they put him in a taxi and send him home to you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to anonymous1784938

Make this your mantra -UNSAFE DISCHARGE. Social workers make threats or sometimes soft shoe and sugar coat discharge with empty promises of how much help is available. Once you take them out that door, they are your responsibility and you are on your own. All of that help seems to either not be available or never materialize.

If your father has no safe home to return to -it is THEIR JOB to assist you in finding an alternate option.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BlueEyedGirl94
AlvaDeer Oct 22, 2024
Yup, You start tossing around the words "Unsafe Discharge" and "JCAHO" and "a massive ding on your license as you well know" and you don't even HAVE to swear at them, hee hee.
Common threats made by hospital social workers, they use this verbiage to scare you into taking him back home, they do not want to deal with it....oh so sorry, that is your job.

Keep saying "No", document your conversations, hold your ground as he will not be safe if he is returned to his former residence, Unsafe Discharge!

Homeless Shelter is a new con, ignore, keep your boundaries in place.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MeDolly

He will do not such thing, so tell him to go for it; and tell him he is being recorded and that his facility will lose its license when you report him.
They are desperate to get him out. They cannot do an unsafe discharge and will lose their license it they do. So that it the exact words to use "My father needs placement; he can't live with me and I am not his POA or guardian; if you do an UNSAFE DISCHARGE I will report you for it and your facility will lose its license.

I am HOPING that your father qualifies for placement, because if there is no diagnosis of dementia or inability to care for himself then his next home MAY be discharge to a shelter. I am so sorry. Be sure he is being diagnosed for dementia. The hospital may get him rehab placement, but that will be temporary.

If you cannot take care of your father and he NEEDS 24/7 care be certain not to take on POA or guardianship. That will make you responsible. Tell the Social Worker he needs guardianship by the state. Tell them he cannot live with you as he was couch-surfing and the landlord will not let him back in.

As to rude? Come up with a few very choice swear word options so he will understand what rude is. He cannot deposit your father on your doorstep or they WILL most certainly lose their license.
Tell them you know all about JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation) and how to report them (whether you do or not) and then look up JCAHO phone number and how to report this hospital should you need to.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

The hospital has a patient advocate and/or the social worker has a supervisor. Meet with one or both of these people. Explain your situation calmly and thoroughly. Dad cannot live with you and is an unsafe discharge to any shelter or anything other than a place with full time caregivers. Repeat unsafe discharge often. You will not be charged with abandoning your father. I’m sorry for the situation and the rudeness you’re experiencing
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

This is ridiculous - about the social worker saying they will send him to a homeless shelter. Is he competent? Is he diagnosed with dementia? I don't know who to talk to but I would start talking to someone at that hospital to get someone who wants to do their to help find a placement for your dad. You can also start calling facilities yourself and see who has an open bed. Do you. have POA?

Just curious as to why the landlords will not let him come back? Can they really do that? Guess it depends on if you'd be breaking any terms of your lease.

Take some deep breaths. Try to calm down. It's not easy, but you will figure this out and get it resolved.
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