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I’m sorry you are going through this .
I’m sure Dad is assuming he can stay there just like Mom did .
Honesty is all you have , and let him know staying with you is not an option.
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It's not his decision to make. Time to write out a script to have the "difficult" discussion with him. Give him lots of reassurances that you will help him search for a great place and then help him every step of the way to make a smooth and speedy transition. He won't like it, but then he doesn't have to. You do, though.
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You will need to sit Dad down with your hubby or whomever else is there to support you and to tell Dad that living with you is no longer an option and that you will attempt to help him with placement, but that you now wish to live your own life ON YOUR OWN. You are not responsible for your father's happiness or contentment. You are responsible to live your own life and to assist him in living his.

I fear you are attempting to dance around the issues here now, and that won't work. You must level with your father and tell him what his options are. Sorry. There's no other way.
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CoastalDaughter, welcome to the forum. Please fill out the Profile page so we have more information to go on, such as your Dad's age, and if he is concerned about any health issues.

My Dad (96) had moved into Independent Living at a senior facility and he was happy as a clam being there. Loved being around people from his own age group. I wonder if your Dad is worried about the cost. Would he be able to budget for the monthly rent? My Dad was paying around $5,000 per month (in 2016) for a 2 bedroom apartment, large living room, and full size kitchen. The rent included weekly housekeeping and linen service. Plus one meal in the restaurant styled dining room. Monthly costs very from area to area (he lived in a large metro area).
Helpful Answer (2)

Dads happy, but you're not. Tell him honestly how you feel, that you'd like your privacy back. You'll help him find a great new place where he'll be able to socialize and mingle again, plus you'll visit often.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)

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