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Who is going to pay for Assisted living, Medicaid doesn't. Nor does it pay for MC. Some states have vouchers but they are hard to come by. My State Medicaid may pay after private paying for at least two years but the facility has to have a Medicaid room available. Medicaid will pay for LTC.

If Mom has Dementia she can't give POA. If she is mentally ill she still has choices. Its sad but she is considered competent by law when many really aren't. I agree, I would not want POA.
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I used to work at a social services agency and encountered a good number of homeless clients. With few exceptions they either dealt with issues of addiction or mental illness. An assisted living place is not a prison or locked place. Residents live there by choice. Unless your MIL really has the desire and wellness to be there, it’s unlikely to be a feasible arrangement. It must be incredibly sad. Has adult protective services been involved?
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Can you elaborate a bit more so that others can understand your situation better?

Have you offered to help get her settled into assisted living?

If you have offered and she has refused, do you know why? Does she have any mental or physical health issues?

Best of luck to you in finding the best solution.
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If she doesn't want to give you POA it is probably unlikely that she wants to go to AL. Is she competent? How long has she been homeless? Is she OK with her current situation?
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Is the woman mentally ill ?
Why is she homeless ?
Why does she need assisted living ?
What are her issues ?

You can’t force her to give you POA .
Depending on the circumstances you could try for guardianship .
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I would never attempt to be POA for someone who isn't wanting you to have it, nor cooperative. That is madness. I was POA/Trustee and it's a big job even with an agreeable, kind, gentle, organized and cooperative person.

Quite simply it isn't doable otherwise.
Your MIL may not even be mentally competent enough to ASSIGN a POA.

If you believe your homeless MIL is incompetent and suffering from dementia as a helpless homeless person then do outreach to those in your area dealing with homelessness. They will work to get her shelter, to get APS involved and to assign a fiduciary and court guardianship.

That's the best you can do. Sorry. Not everything can be fixed, sadly.
I wish you the best. I am certain this is horrific to witness.
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You don't need POA to get anyone into AL.....just a signature as guarantor agreeing to pay the rent.
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Are you SURE you want POA?

Is she happy & content to be homeless? Many homeless people actually choose that way of living. My OB was homeless by choice the last 10 years of his life.

Can you come back with more information about her & what's going on with her? It's hard to make any comment of value when we have a teaspoon of information.
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