
Mom likes to get her hair done and it is nice and convenient for her to do it at the salon located in the nursing home. Every time I get a bill the amount is different for the same service. Example, shampoo and set $38.50, next time shampoo and set $60.50. I contacted the billing department and all they could say is the services are contracted and she enters the amount given to her. Finally talked to the Administrator, he basically said the salon is a contractor service, if you are unhappy, there are plenty of salons around the area. Guess he doesn’t realize the difficulty of getting mom in and out of the car is.
I feel like if the services are on the nursing home grounds and they provide the monthly invoices, they should be interested in knowing if the billing from the services are correct. They gave us a salon fees sheet when mom moved in, those fees don’t match the charges on the invoice either! The nursing home is giving the contractor my number to call me.

My GF did this and Monday was her day for doing hair at a local AL. She paid rent to the AL because she was using their tiny salon. She brought her own supplies. I felt she was doing this AL a service and she should not have to pay rent. She cleaned up and took her towels home to get washed.

I would say that maybe that $60 day Mom got something extra. I also think, if you are paying for the service, you get an itemized bill. Since this is the same person, her prices should be consistant. A list of prices should be placed in the salon where they can be seen. So should a copy of her license.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Thanks everyone for your insights. The beauty salon has one hairdresser and she is only there on Thursdays, so it is the same person/contractor every time. They do not accept tips, mom has assured me she has never given a tip. Unfortunately, I am out of town and will have to dig deeper when I get home. I had made a spreadsheet of the services she has had and the charge for each, but it has not been updated for a couple of months. I just feel like if you pay $10 for a burger, going to the same place every week the price of the hamburger should be $10 (I realize there will be price increases, but not a different fee every time). I will post my final outcome - after March 27 when I get home! It is just another level of stress dealing with the nursing home.
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Reply to susanmac02
AlvaDeer Mar 20, 2025
Great. Let us know, Susan. I do know that if they do special stuff, the fee goes up, but seems unlikely your mom would be wanting "highlighting" or anything. My own hairdresser, and given I always get very short cuts, keeps it a bit less for a "trim" on the sides that a full scissors cut. In general scissors cuts a bit more than just when they can use the shaver and buzz you.
I agree, when the burger goes up in price, a simple explanation would suffice, but you should have one.
Maybe she asked for a cut too?

Did the director give tou an updated pricing list?

My uncles nursing home has a salon with services and the facility sends a quarterly itemized statement. Have you received a statement?
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Reply to AMZebbC
susanmac02 Mar 20, 2025
There are times she has gotten it cut, perm, etc., but the prices never match the “price sheet”. I have asked for an updated price sheet and no one seems to know how to get one. The nursing home’s billing office post the services on their statements. I spoke to billing and she said I post whatever is given to me.
It is the salon in the nursing home--only salon she uses.
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Reply to Igloocar
susanmac02 Mar 20, 2025
It is the only salon/contractor in the facility.
The contractor is contacted.
Do let us know what you hear.
My brother had a haircut at his ALF Facility all the time. She was contracted. It never deviated. Would love to know what they tell you. Do update us.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
susanmac02 Mar 20, 2025
It would be wonderful to have that consistency! 😀
Your mother may be adding a gratuity onto the bill, or different operators may have different fees. You're best off speaking directly to the salon about this.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1
ElizabethAR37 Mar 20, 2025
For better or worse, my guess is that different contractors have different fees. Like if I go to Salon A, the bill is $60.00, whereby Salon B charges $120.00. (I have recently concluded that Salon B is too pricey for me at this unfashionable point in my life.) It could also depend on the skills/expertise of the individual operator and what s/he bills usual clients.
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