When you post a question, you are asked to select a topic. I did, but could only select one of the many choices. Somehow other 'topics' were added - no problem as they are all appropriate.
My question: how do the additional topics get populated? Does AgingCare have an algorithm or something that scans and does that? I tried sending this inquiry to the email address listed under support (aging care 'at' aging care 'dot' com) but it bounced back - reason given: recipient address rejected, access denied. So somehow the additional topics are chosen - not a problem, just my curious mind trying to figure out how this works. There is no relevant 'topic' from which to choose for this question and I cannot post without making such a selection - I arbitrarily select Senior Activities (I'm old enough!). If anyone knows where I should direct this instead of on the forum, I'm all ears.
Have no idea how it works but does give forum members an idea where the OP is coming from. Not everyone mentions Dementia in their question but we assume it because its been chosen when asking a question.
I wonder if one needs to hold down the Ctrl (Control) key when picking "topics"?
Hopefully others here are in the know more than I.