I have an elderly friend who has Alzheimer’s. The family provides in home care for half the day (12 hours), the other time she is usually sleeping. However she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. We have had issues with her throwing her underwear down the toilet and backing it up/clogging. We now put her to bed without underwear, but her condition is worsening and she may need depends. I realize she may need more help than 12 hours per day, but I am not in control, I only help as much as I can. I am looking for some affordable solutions that anyone could offer. Surely this type of thing has occurred with other families, and I am just hoping to help relieve some future problems. Thank you. 🙏🏼
For those not in the know, "flushable wipes" are NOT flushable. Moreover, paper toweling is lethal for plumbing. TP is MADE to break apart, whereas other things are made of wood pulp and as advertised do NOT break apart. Not for decades in some cases. Plumber stories are legion about the masses of stuff pulled from the dug up piping. Take care.