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Lostmysparkle: This is the job of the memory care facility to handle, else the patient gets transferred to a psychiatric facility.
Helpful Answer (1)

I am surprised that the MC doesn't know what to do! When my daddy was in a facility they would call me and tell me A,B,C we are going to X,Y,Z. When my daddy got aggressive they called their support team of nurses and doctors - and he was prescribed medication based on his symptoms.
Talk to the MC and see what their doctors can do.
Helpful Answer (3)

This is a fairly common question (and problem!). Here are answers from past recent posts:

When my cousin was 68 she was diagnosed with ALZ and then got a UTI. Family couldn't get her to go to doc, Urgent Care or ER, she became very aggressive. Her son had to pick her up bodily to take her to the ER and she scratched and fought the whole way. She spent 1 month in the hospital's psych wing before she was not resisting taking meds and calmer. Just writing this story so that you have tempered expectations. It might be a "waiting game". So sorry for your distressing situation.
Helpful Answer (4)

There are times when the only answer is a transfer to psychiatric facility or SNF where a try at different medications and medication cocktails are tried. It is very sad because there are times when the medications needed in amount and efficacy are so potent that they add to balance issues and frequency of falls.

Can you tell us more about your own situation?
Helpful Answer (5)

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