Man 67 is hardly eating or drinking & is gaining weight slowly each day & chest is swollen. No pain in chest. Blood in urine, waste & mouth in morning. He was always physical but has not been active last 2 years due to knee & hip pain. He has to use walker or cane to get around. Has broken sleep due to leg pain & in bed 10-12 hrs. He is 6 ft 3 and football type build. He was active in all sports, worked out in gym, but hasn't been able to do anything. Biggest concern is gaining weight while eating barest minimum & chest getting swollen & hard. He has perfect sight, hearing, all memory & faculties. Eyes are yellow & have discharge- must use visine daily. Shaky hands in morning & loss of taste- no appetite. He is taking D3, Calcium, Fish Oil, Centrum multiple & glucosomine msn- but still daily has leg, hip or groin pain.