
Did not no where to put this topic just wondering what people think cause I never seen a topic on here there is some one that needs to be in one right know they asked me to be a part of a intervention this person lives alone can not take care of them selfs has lots of health issues not much family to help them they are in their 70s they have some one that comes in but not dependable and lazy and does very little just wants to be paid I really don’t talk to this person I really don’t want to do this this was my aunts boyfriend before she died a few years a go again I really don’t want to do this cause I really don’t no him any advice helpful thanks

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"No" is a complete sentence.

You have no relationship with this person. At best the only relationship you ever had was tangential through your aunt. He is not related to you, you do not currently speak to him, and you do not live anywhere near him.

You have no responsibility whatsoever to him.

There is no need for you to feel even a slight obligation to say anything more than "No". But if you feel you must say more you can always say "No, I'm not sure why you believe I would be someone that should be part of an intervention for him. He probably doesn't even know who I am. I won't be taking part."

End of discussion. You don't need to be afraid of saying no. You have nothing invested here. And you don't have any obligation to invest anything.
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Why do you feel they won't take No for an answer? Since your noyt even related to this man and live 1800 miles, at least, away I din't understand why u would be even considered. Does this man have money they are trying to protect? If not, they just need to call APS and report a vulnerable adult and let them take over.
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Actually I have a new cell phone number I deleted FaceTime and zoom I don’t have any type of video calling I hope they get the picture because I can’t answer it any ways I don’t have any media I hate Facebook I never had one it’s a good thing not to have a Facebook they could reach me even if they tried
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AlvaDeer May 2023
You needn't be AFRAID to talk to them. Just tell them NO. They have NOTHING to do with your life. You have no obligation to them. Tell them to stop contacting you and to leave you alone.
Simply say, "No thanks, I don't know him well enough to get involved in his life to this extent. If you're concerned about him, here's the phone number for Adult Protective Services."

Then remove yourself from further discussion on the matter.
Helpful Answer (1)

Could you please explain this better. What I got out of this is that a relative wants you to take on conservatorship for a man who was your deceased Aunt's boyfriend. Since you say you really don't know this man, why do they feel you should do it? You live at least 1800 miles away.

From what I understand about conservatorship, you would handle just the finances. Guardianship covers more. It also cost money and mean you going to court. A Judge will make the ruling. Not being a relative, I don't know if a Judge would even allow it.

Just say N0. You don't want the responsibility. Tell them to call Adult Protection Services and have them evaluate this man's circumstances. They can take over his care and have the State assign guardianship. This is not your responsibility. It also sounds fishy to me. Living as far away as you do, its going to be hard to carry out your responsibilities.
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Your best option may be to just call APS and have them do a welfare check on this person.
Helpful Answer (4)
Lolaloud May 2023
I’m not calling any one cause they are not my relative I don’t even talk to this person their son can do this not me he needs to get involved
It’s not

my aunt and uncle’s business any ways they like to stir things up
This person should be in a nursing home not in a one story ranch with four bedrooms and two showers it’s a pretty big house for a ranch again not my business I don’t care
No you should not do this. You would have to understand the legalities, understand how to keep meticulous records of every penny in and every penny out of this person's accounts. This is a very difficult job to do, and it is very unlikely that any court would allow conservator ship of this person without this being a family member capable of fully understanding conservatorship. This is a legal action, and in the case of the person you mention it is likely, without family capable and willing, the state will take conservatorship or guardianship and will appoint a Licensed Fiduciary to manage care for this person. You should refer this person to APS for appointment of guardianship assessment. Call Adult Protective Services in your area or suggest family refer the case to them.
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Lolaloud May 2023
Again I really don’t know this person or talk to them I really don’t want to get involved it was my aunt and my uncles idea don’t why they want me I’m busy again I live in Vegas I don’t want nothing to do with this or put my name on paper. I think that’s what they are trying to do let their family deal with it this person should be in a nursing home any ways they have all kinds of health issues and need medical attention and doctors appointments constantly I mean it’s a daily thing they take lots of meds they definitely need to be watched and it’s not gonna be me I’m not their family or I’m not related to this person
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I really don’t no why they ask me cause I live in Vegas I just can’t go drop everything cause I have to work but they want me to do a zoom intervention again I don’t really no him and feel uncomfortable with it even on zoom
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer May 2023
Simply tell them Lola, that you are unable to do this. I was POA and Trustee for my brother. It took hours and is a difficult task, made more difficult when I was not living in the same town he was. I had a very steep learning curve, and I would never do this again.
I doubt that any court would appoint you. Simply tell the person asking you that you are unable to do it, and thanks for caring for his person and wanting to help. People get trained for some time to do this work as a Licensed Fiduciary. I still have my legal boxes full of file folders from acting for my brother. There is nothing to feel bad about in saying no about something you aren't qualified to do; in fact it would be wrong to try.
My best to you.
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